Catalogue of Research Databases
Below is a collection of public data sources compiled by our researchers that are the most useful for investigative reporting.
This page information is publicly available and can be updated. If you find errors or would like to suggest more sources to add to our ever growing library please email us.
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Afghanistan — 3
Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Website with an overview of tenders, surveys, studies, laws, and import and export regulations.
Afghanistan Central Business Registry and Intellectual Property Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Intellectual Property π︎
Website of the Afghan Business Registry where you can download the forms to register a company name and apply for trademarks. You can search the business registry in the Online Verification section and get printouts of a company name, number, sector and location.
Supreme Court of Afghanistan
legal π︎
Limited information on court verdicts and meetings from 2007-2010 are published in the Mezan Gazette on the official website of the Supreme Court of Afghanistan.
Albania — 4
National Business Center
corporate π︎
This database includes historic company extracts, current company extracts, and some original documents. They are available in English and searchable by name, address, shareholder and identification number.
Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority
government π︎
The website lists registers of Insurance Market, Securities Market, Investments Market and Pension Fund Market actors.
General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Industry
Intellectual Property π︎
This website includes a search engine for patents, trademarks, industrial designs, which you can search for by owner name.
Albania Supreme Court
legal π︎
This search engine for court decisions allows for searching by party names as well as case number. It also has a list of which cases and trials are upcoming.
Algeria — 4
Centre National du Registre du Commerce
corporate π︎
Algeria's National Register of Commerce allows you to freely search their online database but to get details on the results you need to subscribe. In order to look at the official gazette, you also need a subscription. Without an account you can use this database to verify the existence of a company in Algeria.
La Commission d'Organisation et de Surveillance des OpΓ©rations de Bourse (COSOB)
corporate π︎
On this list of share issuers from the Algerian stock market you can find addresses, major shareholders, number of shares and sector. Some entries also have "visas" available for download, which are detailed reports on the companies.
General Secretariat of Government
gazette π︎
The General Secretariat of Algeria has made official journals available to order by CD-ROM. The website also has links to other Algerian ministries.
Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI)
Intellectual Property π︎
This website includes an online database of registered brands and links to the Algerian section of the World Intellectual Property Organization database. The brand database will tell you who claimed the brand name and you can search it by keyword. If you click on more details, you will also see addresses linked to the representatives and the claimant.
Andorra — 2
Official Bulletin, Andorra
corporate π︎
The Official Bulletin search engine allows you to search by company name for government and judiciary public announcements related to the company of interest.
Trademarks Office of the Principality of Andorra Department of Economy Ministry of Economy and Land Management
Intellectual Property π︎
The Trademark Registry includes a search engine for trademarks registered in Andorra. The ".ad domain names" database allows a search of ".ad" domain names authorized by the State Signs Service and. The results include registration and expiration date of the domain, owner's name and address, license number, and name of goods and services provided by the organization. You can search in both English and Catalan.
Angola — 3
Government of Angola
corporate π︎
This overview website of the Angolan government includes a list of government agencies, press releases, ministries, and legislation.
SAFLII (Angola)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts records of Angola legislation from 1976-2009.
Supreme Tribunal of Angola
legal π︎
The Supreme Court website lists decisions, resolutions, legislation and other documents from various courts. All documents are in Portuguese. The files can be downloaded as PDF and are redacted.
Antigua and Barbuda — 2
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property & Commerce Office (ABIPCO) Ministry of Legal Affairs
Intellectual Property π︎
In this online register, you can search for companies by name, number, and some address information. It will tell the status, registration date, type and address of the company that registered for intellectual property.
Antigua and Barbuda Supreme Court
legal π︎
This courts website lists most recent court cases and also has a search bar. The verdicts are available in PDF and text. They can be searched by any keyword.
Argentina — 14
Buenos Aires Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Offers information for publicly shared companies and an overview of the stock exchange. Company data can be accessed under "societies," where the companies list can be searched by name and "symbol;" the alphabetic code used on the stock exchange. Company information includes shares, address and directors.
Informe Multiburo
corporate π³︎ π︎
A people's search for the commercial database. It can be used to find the CUIT or DNI of a person or the name associated with a CUIT or DNI. You can buy reports for individuals but need a subscription and account.
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Business Name Search
corporate π︎
A business name search to check if a name has already been chosen. A resource for verifying if a company or other kind of legal association has been registered in Argentina.
corporate π³︎ π︎
A commercial third-party database with company information. You can buy a subscription or buy company profiles. Advanced company tracking and managing subscriptions are available as well. Focused on import-export businesses.
Oficina Nacional de Contrataciones
corporate π︎
A database of government contracts, tenders and projects. You can look up suppliers by national tax number (CUIT, CUIL or NIT), social number or name.
BoletΓn Oficial de la RepΓΊblica Argentina
gazette π︎
A website with the official national gazettes of Argentina with notices by the Justice, Transport and Health ministries, among others. In the Societies and Legal Notices, you can find company notices of Anonymous Societies (SA) with director and founder information.
Red de Boletines Oficiales de la RepΓΊblica Argentina
gazette π︎
A directory with all the gazettes of Argentina's many provinces. Each province works differently but, in most cases, you can download the gazettes by publication date and also search them for keywords such as company names.
Afip- AdministraciΓ³n Federal de Ingresos PΓΊblicos
government π︎ π︎
A website for the Taxes, Customs and Social Security Agencies of Argentina. In order to search for filed records, you need a national tax number or CUIT.
Registro Γnico de Audiencias de GestiΓ³n de Intereses
government π︎
An online registry of Public Hearings by the Interior Ministry, which you can search by keywords and parties. It has short descriptions of the hearings, location and date of when it took place and ID numbers of the parties involved.
La Nacion's database of Sworn Statements
Argentinian newspaper La Nacion has collected sworn statements and affidavits of Argentinian authorities including elected officials, ministers and judges. These can be searched by name using a search bar or drop-down menus.
National Government Data
Intellectual Property π︎
This website is a catalogue of public data sets generated, saved and published by various government agencies of Argentina.
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Intellectual Property π︎
Argentina's Industrial Property Institute has an online library of articles, research, and patent law. It is possible to look by brand name or company name. For certain kinds of searches, you need to send a form by mail.
Court Registry
land π︎
You can search for court cases and download some original documents. The search engine works by date, case number and key word.
Argentina Supreme Court
legal π︎
The Supreme Court has available online judgements, agreements and resolutions. The website also includes search engines to look for verdicts by Argentina's other courts. You can look at the most recent verdicts or search them by keyword. The court verdicts are not redacted.
Armenia — 5
Armenia Securities Exchange
The Armenian Securities Exchange website includes reports of traded companies including Material Facts, Annual Reports, Applications and Prospects. The files themselves are in Armenian but readable by text editors and translatable.
Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
corporate π︎
Financial reports of traded companies are available under the Financial System and Control menu by clicking on Financial Organizations. The reports on these companies are only available in Armenian. The website also includes lists and publications on money laundering.
E-Register of Armenia
corporate π³︎ π︎
This is an electronic register that can be searched by company name as well as person. It also allows for searches in English but then it is limited to exact matches. It is possible to make an account for free but then you can only get limited information such as founders of the company. To see the current participants in the company, you need to pay a fee.
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
Intellectual Property π︎
Armenia's IP Agency has available online published bulletins of industrial property and trademark applications going back to 1995.
NGO/International Organization
A public database of Armenian PEPs created by Armenian Investigative Journalism platform Hetq. Profiles on politicians include a biography, asset declarations, a map of affiliated people and a chart of money flows.
Aruba — 1
Aruba Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Chamber provides you with an extract of the registration of a business or a foundation. An extract is a document issued by either the Commercial or Foundations Register containing the most important and essential data of a registered enterprise or foundation. While the Aruba Chamber of Commerce offers a free of charge search for companies, documents are for purchase. There is no need to login on to the website
Australia — 6
Australian Business Register
corporate π︎
ABN Lookup is the public view of the Australian Business Register (ABR). It provides access to publicly available information supplied by businesses when they register for an Australian Business Number (ABN). You can search by ABN, ACN or a name of the company.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
government π︎ π︎
The Australian government's business registry. Within the ASIC register, you can look for documents, organization and business names, banned and disqualified searches, business name index, fees. You can search using company names or document numbers.
IP Australia Department of Industry
Intellectual Property π︎
The Australian Government's eServices page for Industrial Property Australia is a secure, reliable and convenient registry which gives access a range of IP Australia's transactions and services.
New South Wales Land Registry Services
land π︎ π³︎ π︎
NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) is the business name of Australian Registry Investments (ARI), the operator of land titling and registry services in the Australian state of New South Wales. It is responsible for the state's land titles and property information and operates the registry under a 35-year concession with the Government of New South Wales, which started on 1 July 2017.
Australia Federal Court
This database contains full text decisions of the Federal Court of Australia from 2002 till 2019. AustLII publishes public legal information, including primary legal materials (legislation, treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals) and secondary legal materials created by public bodies for purposes of public access and a substantial collection of law journals.
The Judgment and Decisions Enhanced ('JADE') website is a free current awareness service and professional legal research platform designed by the legal profession for the legal profession. It includes decisions of Australian and International Courts and Tribunals and Australian legislation
Austria — 8
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission overview of the Austrian business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Firmen ABC
corporate π³︎ π︎
A commercial company database that will tell you the company registration number, UID number, names of representatives, date of incorporation, sales and number of employees for free.
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Austrian commercial register can be searched by register number or company name. You can order extracts from the company register and yearly accounts.
corporate π︎ π³︎
This commercial service offers business registry, land registry and legal resources, among others, for purchase.
Vienna Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Under "Issuers," you can find the list of companies active in the stock exchange and find registration number, UID number, management board, date of incorporation, sales, financial reports and share voting right changes, which includes shareholders names.
Wiener Zeitung
gazette π︎
This business gazette includes financial statements for certain companies, including those listed on the stock exchange, banks and insurance companies.
The Austrian Patent Office Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Intellectual Property π︎
The Austrian patent office has an online register that can be searched by title, number and name of applicant. You can search trademarks, designs, national patents, European patents, and protection certificates.
Austria Supreme Court
legal π︎
This Austrian database includes legislation, law gazettes and case law on both the federal and state levels.
Azerbaijan — 3
Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan
corporate π︎ π︎
The Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan Republic online database, which you can search for companies. The search has to be done by a company number and company name (in capital letters).
Azerbaijan Standardization Δ°nstitute
government π︎
The State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Azerbaijan Republic is a governmental agency responsible for the country's technical regulations, metrology, valuation of technical compliance, accreditation and quality standards. The website includes the country's laws, decrees and regulations.
National Depository System
government π︎
The National Depository Center (NDC) is the organization and coordination of the depository system that engages in safekeeping of securities, keeping records of ownership rights and other ones, as well as registering securities transactions.
Bahamas — 3
The Government of the Bahamas - Company Search
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
On the official website of the Government of the Bahamas, you can download company records and official documents. You can search for companies by type, number or company name.
Registrar General's Department Official Notices
Intellectual Property π︎
The official notices on the Bahamas Registrar General Department website have only been uploaded for a few months in 2013. They shortly describe the trademark applications and give you a company name and address.
Supreme Court Bahamas
legal π︎
You can use this website for all documents containing matching words or patterns. Searches can be conducted by specialty practice area as well as name of attorney or law firm.
Bahrain — 3
Bahrain Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Bahrain Stock Exchange website allows you to search for financial reports of listed companies. This stock exchange aims to offer a comprehensive suite of exchange-related facilities including listing, trading, settlement, and depositary services for various financial instruments.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
corporate π︎
The official website of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is helpful if you need information about company registration, competition law and consumer protection. Next to company registration information, you have access to commercial and industry news, a bulletin of recent commercial registrations (with registration number, date and name) and reports on commercial law. Company searches are possible only with the registration number.
Central Bank of Bahrain
government π︎
The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) is responsible for maintaining monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This website gives you a list of licensed financial institutions (and companies) in Bahrain. The website is available both in Arabic and English
Bangladesh — 3
Office of the Registrar
corporate π︎
The official website of the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies of Bangladesh contains information about companies including ownership. RJSC deals with private, public and foreign companies as well as trade organizations, societies and partnership firms. The data that is available for download contains basic information on joint stock and limited companies.
Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT) Ministry of Industries
Intellectual Property π︎
This website is useful in order to get information related to Intellectual Property (IP). This includes tendering documents, reports, office orders and gazette trademark journals.
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
legal π︎
On the official website of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, you can download court cases from the Law and Justice Division and the Legislative and Parliamentary Division.
Barbados — 2
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) Ministry of International Business and International Transport
Intellectual Property π︎
The Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office maintains a reliable system of public records and an efficient registry service which supports the commercial activities of the public and private sectors as well as the development of Barbados' domestic and international trade and business.
Supreme Court of Barbados
legal π︎
The Barbados Judicial System website includes court records, which are filed and processed in the court registries of the Court of Appeal and the High Court, respectively.
Belarus — 5
Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The official website of the Belarusian Stock Exchange, which collects results of the auctions and has a list of its members. The latter includes contact information and addresses.
corporate π³︎ π︎
Legat is a third-party commercial database that allows you to get official company records in a simpler way than the official registry website.
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The official Belarusian business registry. To get company documents you need to file an inquiry and pay a fee. The website is only available in Belarusian and Russian.
Belarus' National Statistics Committee
government π︎
On the Belstat website, you can find full annual import and export reports along with other economic statistics and current data. The reports are available in English and Russian.
Supreme Court of Belarus
legal π︎ π︎
The website of the Belarusian Supreme Court allows you to search Economic Court decisions in the country. It also provides access to official court gazettes. The website is only available in Belarusian and Russian.
Belgium — 8
Crossroads Bank for Enterprises
corporate π︎
The official business registry. You can search it by registry number, name, commercial activity or address. The company overview pages include directorship information and at the very bottom, you will find links to the company's annual accounts and gazette publications.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission overview of the Belgian business registry; including links to the registry, descriptions of how to search it and what can be found, and a description of the legislation behind it.
Service Public FΓ©dΓ©ral Justice
corporate π︎
The Justice Ministry's database for company-related documents. For some companies there are images of documents available. You can find, for example, official announcements of changes in the structure of the company, address changes, and key personnel changes.
Trends Business Information
corporate π³︎ π︎
A third-party database by Belgium's main business outlet that includes legal files, credit reports and annual accounts.
Financial Services and Markets Authority
corporate π︎
A database of financial documents for companies that are publicly traded by the Financial Services and Markets Authority. This includes announcements such as shareholder changes, quarterly reports and board meetings.
Federal Public Service Economy (FPS Economy)
Intellectual Property π︎
Belgium's Government web directory for intellectual property websites. Includes links to databases per category, such as patents, trademarks and trade names.
Belgian Courts and Chambers
legal π︎
An overview of all the courts and their chambers of Belgium's judicial system, with links to each entity's website.
Belize — 4
International Business Companies Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎
The IBC Belize has a company search, which you can use to verify whether a company was registered in Belize. However, the results will not give you any additional information. Limited company information is available for a fee of US$25 at request by email to the [email protected]
Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Belize Intellectual Property Office has an e-library of legislation and publications as well as a manual search request option for specific trademarks.
Belize Legal Materials
The specialized Belize search of the Common Legal Information Institute allows a keyword search for court cases in Belize.
Supreme Court of Belize
legal π︎
Supreme Court judgements (civil and criminal) are available by year but you cannot search them by keyword.
Benin — 3
Benin Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) is supervised by the Ministry of Trade. The site provides information about CCIB and its services, CCIB partners, news reports, investing, events, and general tourist information on the country. It is only available in French. Business regulation and some company information are available upon request.
Guichet Unique de Formalisation des Entreprises (GUFE)
corporate π︎
The Guichet Unique de Formalisation des Entreprises (GUFE) is a public agency in charge of registering businesses in Benin, and thus acts as the country's company registry. The website allows a search by company name for very basic information, such as director, company type and address. It also publishes the company gazette, which contains additional information on companies, but the entries organized by date of publication and cannot be searched by company name.
Constitutional Court of Benin
legal π︎
The Official website of Supreme Court of Benin has an online database of court decisions regarding the rights and liabilities of parties in a legal action or proceeding. Archives are from the period of November 2013 until March 2017.
Bermuda — 3
Bermuda Registrar of Companies
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Registrar of Companies (ROC) is a Bermuda Government Department, which falls under the Ministry of Finance. Its website has available official company documents, company name reservation, company fees, insolvency files, and real estate information. To access these, you need to set up a debit account.
Bermuda Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Official website of Bermuda Stock Exchange includes a list of issued securities, trading members, and annual reports.
Supreme Court of Bermuda
An online service of Bermuda's Supreme Court that provides access to a database with the decisions of the Supreme Court of Bermuda (BMSC) from the period of 2007 until 2016.
Bhutan — 1
Supreme Court of Bhutan
legal π︎
Bhutan's Supreme Court has a limited list of links to judgements in several cases from 2013, 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) — 6
Bolsa Boliviana de Valores
The Bolivian Stock Market Exchange website includes information about investment funds. You can get also information on financing and making investments in the Bolivian stock market.
Commercial Registry of Bolivia
On the official website of Bolivia's Trade Registry, you can get the acts, contracts and company documents by searching for name, keyword, registration or the identification number of operating licenses.
Ministerio de EconomΓa y Finanzas PΓΊblicas de Bolivia
corporate π︎
This website has information about service providers to the government. You can search by company name, number, type of service or country of registration.
RUAT - Registro Unico para la Administracion Tributaria
corporate π︎ π︎
The website for this Bolivian tax authority has available information about moveable and immovable assets but you need to know their exact identification number such as cadastral code or property number.
Servicio Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (SENAPI) Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo y EconomΓa Plural
Intellectual Property π︎
The official website of the Ministry for Intellectual Property where you can get the information about intellectual property, intellectual property rights, intangible technological contributions and other rights over intangible assets.
Supreme Court of Bolivia
legal π︎
The Supreme Court of Bolivia Official Website has its court decisions available online but you cannot search them by party name, just by date of publication
Bosnia and Herzegovina — 7
Banja Luka Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Stock Exchange of Banja Luka (The Serb Republic of BiH) has financial reports of issuers. You can also search for annual reports, historic overview, international collaboration and stock exchange strategies.
Financial Information Agency
corporate π︎
The FIA website allows you to look for corporate and nonprofit entities, see what they own, and how much they are worth.
Registers of Business Entities
corporate π︎
The official registry of companies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Brcko District. You can find director and shareholder information, addresses, capital and some changes information.
Registry of Securities of the Federation BiH
corporate π︎
The Official Registry of Securities of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina provides an online dataset on securities and securities holders that is submitted by the company's management to the Registry. All data contained in the account of the securities holder are considered as confidential information, and only the account holder, investors or competent authorities have the right to inspect the account, according to the mandate proscribed by the Law and the Registry's authorized employees.
Sarajevo Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
An official website of the Sarajevo (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Stock Exchange where you can download financial reports of issuers with the daily overview of market, public offerings, price lists and issuer profiles.
Securities Commission of Republika Srpska
corporate π︎
The Official Registry of Securities JSC Banja Luka includes data on securities and their holders, and on all transactions related to transfer of ownership or changes of the securities status. These documents contain information about ownership and other rights contained in securities, as well as registration and deletion of ban of disposal right based on contracts, court decisions and other decisions issued by relevant bodies.
Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Intellectual Property π︎
The Institute for Intellectual Property database gives links for access to national and international databases of intellectual property, where you can get information relevant to your business or research, or for drafting scientific papers. The data available on this site are for informational purposes and is regularly updated/ changed, wherefore search results should be treated with caution.
Botswana — 1
SAFLII (Botswana)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts records from Botswana's High Court, Court of Appeal, Industrial Court and Land Tribunal.
Brazil — 30
Amazonas State Board of Trade
corporate π︎ π︎
The Amazonas State Board has a Business Registration Information Access System but you need to make an account, for which you need to be a Brazilian citizen.
Brasil Bolsa Balcao
Brasil Bolsa Balcao has a list and search engine of all listed companies on the Brazil Stock Exchange. Once you select a company, you will see its classification, website, fines, finances, major shareholders, financial reports, corporate actions, and trading summaries.
Business Listing of ParaΓba
corporate π︎
ParaΓba state uses the national business listing database, which can be searched by company number and tells you company activity as well as directors.
corporate π³︎ π︎
This third-party database requires a registered account. You can buy a company profile, which will tell you financial information, debts, lawsuits, shareholders, corporate structure and activity.
CNPJ National Register of Legal Entities
corporate π︎
There are various ways to consult the national register of CNPJ legal entity numbers. You can use the proof of registration and status query and look by CNPJ number (which you can get from OpenCorporates). This will tell you the company status, sector, capital, contact information and management. You can also download the CNPJ Open Data as zip files, but these are very large and take a long time to download. They might tell more about management of a company.
Commercial Board of CearΓ‘
corporate π︎ π︎
The CearΓ‘ Chamber of Commerce has various business registry services online, such as requesting a company certificate, but you need to make an account, for which you need to be a Brazilian citizen.
Commercial Board of MaranhΓ£o
corporate π︎ π︎
To search the Commercial Board of Maranhao registry of companies, you need to have a Brazilian social security number.
Commercial Board of Minas Gerais
corporate π︎ π︎
The Commercial Board of Minas Gerais has various business registry services online, such as a company search, but you need to make an account or need to enter a social security number to use the services.
Commercial Board of ParanΓ‘
corporate π︎
The Commercial Board of ParanΓ‘ has various business registry services online, such as a company search, but you need to make an account or need to enter a social security number to use the services.
Commercial Board of Rio Grande do Sul
corporate π︎ π︎
The Commercial Board of Rio Grande do Sul has various business registry services online, such as a company search, but you need to make an account or need to enter a social security number to use the services.
Commercial Registry of AmapΓ‘
corporate π︎
The commercial registry of Amapa does not appear to have a search engine for companies. It does periodically publish "minutes" that list all the companies being incorporated or altered.
Commercial Registry of Bahia
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Commercial Registry of Bahia State has a search engine where you can search the registry by company number, which you can find in Opencorporates. The results will tell you the share capital, address and objective as well as the numbers of the documents filed by the company.
Commercial Registry of EspΓrito Santo
corporate π︎ π︎
In the commercial registry for Espirito Santo, you can look for a company by its number or name. You will get the address, type, activity, share capital, an overview of changes and management.
Commercial Registry of Mato Grosso du Sul
corporate π︎ π︎
JUCEMAT is a registry of companies registered in Mato Grosso, which you can search by company number. The results will tell you basic information such as address and the dates of when the company information was last updated.
Commercial Registry of Pernambuco
corporate π︎
Pernambuco's Commercial Registry website includes a search engine where you can look up company names or numbers. The results will tell you a company's address, type, activity, status, and share capital.
Conselho Brasileiro das Empresas Comerciais Importadoras e Exportadoras
This commercial database of registered import and export companies in Brazil allows you to search by company name, product, or industry. You need to register as an import/ export company to see the results.
Governo do Rio de Janeiro
corporate π︎
The Rio de Janeiro State Board of Trade has a search engine that can be used with a company name or number. The company name has to be exact so you have to try various spellings. The only information you get is the status of the company, name, NIRE and CNPJ number.
Junta Comercial de SΓ£o Paulo
corporate π︎ π︎
From the Brazilian Business Registry website, you can download company documents, registration data, and digitized documents but registration is required. You can search by company name, company number, legal type, partners, directors, corporate purpose or geographical location.
Junta Comercial do Distrito Federal
corporate π︎ π︎
The Citizen Information Service Electronic System (e-SIC) is a database that allows you to make freedom of information requests online. You need to have an account, for which you need Brazilian citizen identification documents.
Junta Comercial do Estado de GoiΓ‘s
corporate π︎
The GoiΓ‘s State Board of Trade (Juceg), in conducting process mapping and building strategic planning. From this website you can access to Citizen Information Service (SIC) where you can download documents which are available only in Portuguese.
Portal da TransparΓͺncia
corporate π︎
Brazil's Federal Government Transparency Portal is an open access site where anyone can find information on how public money is used, as well as learn about related issues to public management in Brazil. You can get information about federal budgets and the federal government's finances.
Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil
corporate π︎
The database query includes a search engine for Brazilian market participants, which can be searched by name. It will tell you address, date of incorporation, directors and auditor. There is also a link to financial statements but this no longer seems to work.
The Commercial Board of Tocantins
corporate π︎
The Commercial Board of Tocantins has a list of canceled companies, which tells you CNPJ and NIRE numbers, but it does not have an online search engine for companies.
Escavador has gathered information from official websites β through the Access to Information Act or from legal sources and public institutions β to facilitate citizen access to public content. You can search all available sources by name, company name, or lawsuit. The site also provides links to Brazil's Official Journals of the Union, States and Municipalities.
Official Gazette of ParaΓba
gazette π︎
You can download the official gazette of the ParaΓba state, which includes lists of registered companies but gives very little information. Can be used to verify the incorporation of a company, if you know the date.
FOIA requests database of ParaΓba
government π︎
An online FOIA request filing platform that also includes a database of previous requests and answers, which you can search by keyword.
National Institute of Industrial Property Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (INPI)
Intellectual Property π︎
On the website of Brazil's National Institute of Industrial Property, Industry and Foreign Trade (INPI), you can find information about assets related to intellectual property; technology transfers; and the franchising and licensing of industrial property rights.
Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos
Intellectual Property π︎
At the Brazilian Open Data Portal, you have free access to data sets of the government, state organs, municipalities, and entities of the public administration.
Federal Supreme Court of Brazil
legal π︎
The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil website includes access to a database of decisions that is in Portuguese. Additionally, the STF provides in English selected decisions and a list of issues on constitutional matters, as well as links to case law international databases.
Brunei Darussalam — 1
Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) is an Office under the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC). It is responsible for the registration and renewal of Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Plant Varieties Protection (PVP). The IP Search database allows a search of designs, patents and trademarks by keyword, and an advanced search by filing number, filing date and title.
Bulgaria — 9
Bulgarian Business Register
corporate π︎ π³︎
In Bulgaria's company registry, you can look by name or company number and buy certificates and documents such as current status, incorporation and name certificate.
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce has a database where you can search by company name to retrieve registration number, company status and Bulstat or PIN. The chamber advises researchers to file an application form and pay for official checks on companies, as it does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided online.
Bulgarian Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Bulgarian Stock Exchange made financial reports of issuers available online. On the "Members List" page, you can find contact information and brokers of traded companies.
Ciela Norma
corporate π³︎ π︎
The Ciela Norma - Law and Reference Software will give you information about current and archival documents from Bulgarian legislation, administrative procedures, European legislation, translations of the legislative framework in English and Russian, as well as products specializing in different areas such as accountancy, taxes, insurance, construction, customs, currency regulations, energy sector, education, etc. The state gazette includes records from 1885 until 2019.
corporate π³︎ π︎
The United Commercial Register, the Bulstat Register and the State Gazette give you full access to public data on: legal entities with Bulgarian and/ or foreign participation; ministries, agencies, non-governmental organizations; individuals - lawyers, notaries, doctors, etc. This information is available only in Bulgarian.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of Bulgarian commercial public data, including links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
Trade Register and Register of NGOs
corporate π︎
In the Bulgarian Commercial Registry, you can search by individual or legal entity name in Cyrillic or by identification number. The results will include general company information, the company's current status, as well as any files the company filed with the registry. You must have Java installed to view any corresponding documents.
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (BPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Patent Office is the National State Authority for the legal protection of the industrial property rights. The official website offers up-to-date information regarding intellectual property. There are three sets of sources for the data: the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Supreme Court of Bulgaria
legal π︎
The official website of Bulgaria's Supreme Court has a searchable database where you can find various records such as case files and court records. You can search by country, lower case data, HCVC entry number, or departmental case number.
Burkina Faso — 3
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso
corporate π︎
The CCI-BF is a constituted body that is empowered to represent before the public authorities, the general interests of commerce, industry and services. The website offers only basic company information. You can search by business name and will get location, phone number, registration number and business address.
La Maison De L'Enterprise
corporate π︎
The Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso (MEBF) provides a range of company and association documents which are free to download and do not require any registration or payment.
Supreme Court of Burkina Faso
legal π︎
The Official website of Burkina Faso's Court of Cassation. The website offers a range of resources such as basic texts, archives and photo library. The website is in French.
Burundi — 3
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
corporate π︎
The Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burundi (CFCIB) has an online library but most of the files seem to be missing as of January 2020. It also lists a guide for online resources but the guide is not available.
Government Gazette
The government of Burundi does not maintain an online repository for its business gazette, but publications from select years (2002-2003) are available through the University of Texas Library. Click on the provided link and type "Bulletin officiel du Burundi" in the search bar.
Juricaf (Burundi)
You can search documents from Burundi's Supreme court starting from 1977. There are advanced search options to get more accurate results. Juricaf is intended primarily for the French-speaking world, but is also open to nationals of common law countries so that they can have access to the case law rendered in French.
Cabo Verde — 1
National Press of Cabo Verde
gazette π︎
A searchable database of all the national gazettes, which includes company registration notices. These notices will tell you management and ownership as well as the company's sector and total capital.
Cambodia — 2
Global Witness
corporate π︎
Global Witness' Cambodia Corporates Database compiles cambodian government data. The website has a disclaimer that says: Cambodia Corporates is a complete mirror of the Ministry of Commerceβs registration and amendment datasets as of February 2016. It is comprised of 22,808 company registration entries and 7,502 amendments and contains pieces of information no longer published by the Cambodian government.
Ministry of Commerce
corporate π︎
Cambodia's Ministry of Commerce website has reports, decrees and regulation on its website. The reports include macroscopic business information. All the available information is in Khmer.
Cameroon — 2
The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT)
corporate π︎
This online list of firms considered "credible" was created by the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development to promote partnerships with foreign investors. It was last updated in 2012 and includes address and contact information.
Supreme Court of Cameroon
legal π︎
The Cameroon Supreme Court website has a list of verdicts available in French. The database cannot be searched by name and the available filters do not always work.
Canada — 16
British Columbia Registry Services
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
A subscriber-only search is available for companies listed on the British Columbia Stock Exchange. A subscriber account costs CAD100 for an initial deposit from Canadian bank accounts, and CAD150 for a foreign one. This amount is a credit balance which the registry deducts from as you download documents.
British Columbia Securities Commission
corporate π︎
The Securities Commission of British Columbia has a searchable database of all issuers of securities, which has company names (previous and current), address, principal regulator, default history, exempt distributions, reports, and links to filings on SEDAR.
Canada's Business Registries
corporate π︎
A searchable government database of all companies registered provincially and federally in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Search results include legal name, status, registered office, province or territory of registration, and a link to the registry where more documents can be purchased.
Industry Canada
corporate π︎
A searchable database of corporations registered under the Federal Corporations Act (not provincially registered companies, loan or trust companies, or companies incorporated under other federal legislation). A simple search reveals a company profile, director information, and filings of annual reports which can be purchased via a third-party registry accessible through a link on the page.
Information Services Corp. of Saskatchewan
corporate π³︎ π︎
The Saskatchewan corporate registry database holds land titles, company information, maps, survey plans, personal property, and corporations. Fees vary depending on the document requested and registration is required.
New Brunswick Corporate Affairs Registry
corporate π︎
A searchable database of company information in New Brunswick provides company name, status, and registration number upon search, but then requires a payment of CAD3.45 to view the company profile. Some documents may be available for additional purchase.
Prince Edward Island Government
corporate π︎
A searchable database of Prince Edward Island companies by name or registration number yields a company profile with directors, shareholders, type of business and other basic details.
Registry of Enterprises in QuΓ©bec
corporate π︎
The Canadian registry can be searched by business number, company name or key word. Search results include file number, name, address, status and date of incorporation/de-registration. If you click on the file number, more information is available, such as legal form, bankruptcy information, merger and split information, list of directors and majority shareholder. Use the "Demander une copie de document ou un certificat d'attestation" online service to obtain documents a company has filed with the registry. (
Registry of Joint Stock Companies
corporate π︎
The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies has basic company information searchable by name or number of the company.
System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR)
corporate π︎
A database of company information sourced from regulatory authorities and public securities documents on companies that have issued securities, and have been involved in takeover bids or proxy contests. Sometimes this includes annual reports, audits, and other company filings.
The Montreal Exchange
corporate π︎
The Montreal Exchange website includes a search engine, where you can look for listed company reports using the company's three-letter symbols.
Canada Gazette
The Canadian Gazette website has a database of archived gazettes (pre-1998) and current publications, which can be searched by keyword.
Statistics Canada
government π︎
The official Canada Government Statistics Agency offers a search of all their data, in the form of data visualizations, census profiles, thematic maps, tables, public use microdata, and other census data.
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying in Canada
government π︎
A searchable government database that logs all registered lobbying agents, including when and who they were in contact with and which company, organization or group they are from.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) Industry Canada
Intellectual Property π︎
You can search trademarks, patents, copyrights, industrial designs, and intellectual property via a simple search on the Canadian government website.
Canadian Legal Information Institute
A searchable database of all Canadian court cases including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all provinces and territories, as well as decisions from national tribunals from the early 2000s onwards.
Cayman Islands — 5
Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
This business directory provided by the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce can be searched and its results include business name, address, contact details and link to business' website.
Cayman Islands General Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Cayman registry has a search for registered companies, partnerships and trusts but you need to register, which can be done for free. To see a company extract, you need to pay about 36 USD as of January 2020. One such company "Search Report" includes registration number, date, type, status and registration office.
Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
corporate π︎
This is a search engine for entities that are currently licensed or registered by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. It will tell you the type of entity it is, when it was recognized and its status.
Cayman Islands Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange has a list of issuing entities that is updated daily, which includes the total shares and when it was first listed.
Cayman Islands Judicial Administration
legal π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Judicial Administration of the Cayman Islands publishes its judgements online. In order to access and search them, you need to make an account. A free account is limited to three searches per month.
central-asia — 1
Eurasian Patent Organization
Intellectual Property π︎
The Eurasian Publication Server can be searched by patent document, application number and issue number. The data ranges from 1998 onwards
Chile — 7
Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago
The Santiago Stock Exchange website has a list of issuers and brokers under the "markets" drop-down menu. You can search the issuers list using a search bar and the bigger companies will have summaries with the president, address and general manager.
Commercial Registry of Santiago
corporate π︎
Santiago's Commercial Registry has land registry as well as commercial registry information. Under the "Consultas en Linea" menu, you can find the commercial registry index, which you can search by name and you can see the original incorporation documents.
DirecciΓ³n Chile Compra
corporate π︎
ChileCompra is the central repository for financial transactions between government agencies and contracted companies. It has a database of governmental purchase plans (going back to 2016) and you can also search tender contracts (going back to 2014).
Financial Market Commission
corporate π︎
Chile's Financial Market Commission has a database of filings, sanctions and resolutions. You can select from a list of audited entities and also look at the list of filings, which shows the entity name. Clicking on the filing number will take you to the original documents, which can range from securities placements and dividend policies to shareholders meetings.
Official Gazette of the Republic of Chile
corporate π︎
Chile's official gazette includes various categories of official information such as regulatory, judicial, patent and company notices. The online versions go back to 2016. The company notices include registration bulletins that will tell you who registered which company and who is listed as shareholders and management.
The Financial Market Commission
corporate π︎
If you scroll down on the website of the Financial Market Commission, you will see a database with information of the financial entities it regulates. Under the "Stock Market" drop-down menu, you can look at lists of various audited entities. These will tell you management, shareholders, financial information, sanctions and addresses.
National Institute of Industrial Property
Intellectual Property π︎
On the website of Chile's National Institute of Industrial Property, you can look for registered patents and brands. You can search through the titles, the summary, the applicants and inventors. The patent results are not listed by company or applicant name but by the title of the patent application. The brand results do list the company names. The only company information available is the full name and where they are registered.
China — 3
Chinese Stock Exchanges
corporate π︎
A list of all the companies on China's stock markets. Clicking on a company will give you the foundation and listing dates, contact information, website, management and top 5 shareholders.
National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System
corporate π︎
This database has very detailed company information but recently only became accessible from mainland China. However, Google has many pages archived so if you search for a company and add "" to your query, you can still access some of the company profiles.
National Intellectual Property Administration
Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
A database of patents registered in China for which you need to make a free account. It allows you to search for patents by keywords and inventor or applicant name. In the results you can find full company names in English and Chinese.
Colombia — 6
Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
The Colombian Stock Exchange has a search engine that allows you to look for stock issuers listed on the exchange. You can look by name or go over the full list. Clicking on one of the companies will give you basic information such as address, legal representative, and contact information.
Chamber of Commerce of Bogota
corporate π︎
Under "TrΓ‘mites y Consulta" you can search for company names and numbers. The results will include the number, location and last year the company renewed its license.
Colombia Compra
corporate π︎
This website has an overview of Colombian tenders and public contracts. The SECOP I database allows you to search by entity name. You can find overviews of public procurement projects and original documents. Some of these will tell you company information.
Superintendencia de Sociedades
corporate π︎
The Superintendency of Companies is the government entity that controls commercial companies.The website allows online consultation by entering the NIT name or number, and provides details on economic activity, judicial and home address, administrators and representatives of companies and branches of a foreign company, which report information to the Entity
Unique commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
The Commercial Registry of RUES includes an online search engine that allows for company name and number queries. The results will include the status, type, number of employees, legal representatives and affiliates. You can also buy a certificate but in order to do that, you need to identify yourself.
Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
Intellectual Property π︎
Colombia's website for intellectual property and consumer protection has links to entries in a searchable online database of patent and brands applications, issues of the industrial property gazette and resolutions.
Congo, Democratic Republic of the — 3
Guichet Unique de CrΓ©ation d'Entreprise
corporate π︎
This website is meant to facilitate the incorporation of companies and legal entities. It also has a newsfeed with publication notices that includes information about recently registered commercial entities.
Official Gazette
Congo's Partnership for Social Development (PPDS) website provides you with free online legal information. You have free access to some official decisions regarding companies, public tenders, etc. The database covers a period from 2002 till 2018.
DRC Mining Cadastre
government π︎
This interactive cadastral website contains mining information from across the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Costa Rica — 14
corporate π³︎ π︎
Credid is a non-governmental website. It allows access to the list of companies and land records of individuals and legal entities. It also allows you to upload lists of IDs and names to verify if multiple people are commercially related or have family ties.
Equifax (Costa Rica)
corporate π³︎ π︎
Equifax is a third party website that allows access to the list of companies and land records of individuals and legal entities. It also allows access to phone numbers.
Ministry of Finance Public Procurement Database
corporate π︎
This database by the Costa Rican Ministry of Finance includes tenders and public procurement contracts, which can be searched by ID number or name. The data includes status, offered goods, awards, contracts and notifications.
Stock Exchange of Costa Rica
The Stock Exchange of Costa Rica has a list of stock issuers that gives short profiles. If you click on "CalificaciΓ³n de riesgo y otros datos" you will be able to find more detailed information such as legal representatives, proxies, date of incorporation, sector and management.
National Register
corporate, land, Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
The National Registry website has various search engines that can be used once you make a free account. There are various kinds of free consultations such as looking for property, moveable assets (also ships and planes), cadastral information, legal persons and industrial property. The free results for legal persons, which includes companies, are limited to very basic information such as status and registration number. You can also search for gazette entries.
Gaceta Costa Rica
gazette π︎
This website provides access to the Official Journal of Costa Rica and the Judicial Bulletin. The main intellectual property announcements are published in "La Gaceta".
Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
government π︎
The Costa Rican Social Security Fund website allows access to the debts or compliance of social security payments of Costa Rican citizens.
government π︎
The Electronic Register of Suppliers of CompraRED is a registry of public purchases made by Costa Rican institutions.
Consultas de Compras con fondos pΓΊblicos: ContralorΓa General de la RepΓΊblica
government π︎
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic website provides access to the principal registry of public purchases of institutions in Costa Rica.
Ministerio de Hacienda
government π︎
The official Treasury website allows users to search for tax compliance of natural and legal persons. It shows their economic activities, legal representatives and tax obligations.
Sistema Integrado de Compras PΓΊblicas
government π︎
The SICOP website provides access to a registry of public purchases made by Costa Rican institutions.
Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones: Consultas Civiles
government π︎
The official civil registry of Costa Rica provides the ID number of any citizen, their full name, and the names of their relatives (with their respective IDs). It also provides information about Costa Rican citizens' polling place, date of birth, marriages, age and date of death.
Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones: Partidos PolΓticos
government π︎
The official site of the Supreme Court of Elections of Costa Rica includes financial information about the political parties in Costa Rica, as well as their audits, settlements, received donations, and credit operations.
Ministerio de Justicia y Paz
government π︎
The website of Costa Rica's Ministry of Justice and Peace has a page with the forms necessary for FOIA requests. There are no online filings besides some documents on national plans and protocols.
Croatia — 11
Chamber of Commerce Company Registry
corporate π︎ π︎
The Chamber of Commerce website has a limited search of company information by number and by name. Results will show you a graphical representation of basic information about the company, financial indicators and business analysis.
Croatian Export Directory
corporate π︎
This Croatian export directory provides information on relevant regulations and laws in the field of investment and economics. You can search by name, primary activity, customs tariff (type of product), type of services. Information available for download is: contact information, contact person, business activities, primary business activities, size, ownership structure, and origin of capital. Additionally, you can search through a database of import and export companies.
Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
corporate π︎
The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency offers a variety of information that includes issuers list, participants list, corporate actions, ticker and ISIN, securities overview, statistics and financial monthly reports, which contain data on business operations of pension funds, investment funds, investment firms, insurance companies, leasing companies, factoring companies and capital market.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
This is the European Commission overview of the Croatian business registry, which includes links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
The Zagreb Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
This is the official website of The Zagreb Stock Exchange where you can get the information about all listed bonds, shares, issuers and their reports, data distribution and list of members.
Croatian National Gazette
gazette π︎ π︎
The Croatian National Gazette website can be searched by number, publication date or which edition it was. The search includes the official, international and advertising parts of the gazette.
Croatian Public Officials
government π︎ π︎
With this website you can find Croatian public officials and find out whether they are politically exposed persons. You can search by the name of individual, his/her job position, type of duty, whether the individual is still active in that political position and the name of the legal entity where the individual works.
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (SIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The State Intellectual Property has an online searchable database in English. You can search for patents, trademarks, and industrial designs in both national and international registrations. Next to this there is the official link to the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette with the overview from 1994 till 2019.
Constitutional Court Decision
legal π︎ π︎
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia has online its records for decisions made since 2000. You can search by signature, case number, or a year and a date. The searches returns results containing all of the terms supplied but not the exact phrase.
Croatian Commercial Courts Register
legal π︎ π︎
This is the official website of the Croatian government court register of legal entities. This register allows you to search by name or keyword. You can either search all Croatian commercial courts or select a specific region or city. Search results provides company profiles as well as status updates on proceedings before the courts.
Croatian Ship Registry
transport π︎ π︎
The Croatian Ship Registry has information about shipping available. You can get detailed information by searching the name of the ship, IMO number or CRS No. The website is available both in Croatian and English.
Cuba — 2
Gaceta Oficial de Cuba
gazette π︎
The official Cuban Gazette outlines committee decisions on laws pertaining to business and all other non-trade ministries with some figures on crop yields.
Cuban Industrial Property Office (OCPI) Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
Intellectual Property π︎
Cuba's databases of patents and intellectual property, under "Bases de Datos Cubanos", can be searched by number, name, inventor, and keywords in the summary. In the list of results, you can consult the complete application that explains in detail what the patent or intellectual property consists of. It also gives some basic information on companies such as addresses. Also gazettes and bulletins are available on the website.
CuraΓ§ao — 1
Curaçao Chamber of Commerce and Industry
corporate π︎
You can search the chamber of commerce by company name or number. Search results include basic company information such as address, date of establishment, nominal capital and directors. Contact the chamber of commerce via email to receive a quote to purchase a copy of a company's complete registration documents.
Cyprus — 3
Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
Cyprus' company registry is fully accessible once you make a free account. Once you do, you can purchase a company profile for 10 euros, which will give you access to all of the company's filings and detailed information including historical management and ownership. Even when you do not buy a profile, you can still see basic information of the company but not the ownership or original documents.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
This is the European Commission's overview of the Cyprus business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Cyprus Bar Association
This is a database of legal documents uploaded by lawyers. It can be useful to find out who is the beneficial owner of a company. When using the search engine, select the last option in the second drop down menu, which will search all documents.
Czechia — 11
Biz Biz
The Biz Biz database offers a full overview of all the people in a company and their current positions. A click on the name of the person gives an overview of all the other companies in Czech Republic where their name appears. All the information is only current, no historic data is available. Information derives from the official company registry.
Czech National Bank
corporate π︎
The Central Storage of Regulated Information had information about all issuers with historical information available. You can get annual/semi-annual reports, comprehensive documents about the data, information about the total number of capital and many more. In order to get the information, you have to search by Issuer ID or legal entity identifier.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Czech business registry, which including links to the registry, a description of how to search it and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
This website is a catalog of verified companies in the Czech Republic. The company list is regularly updated. Next to companies you can find institutions, current contacts and user reviews of companies. This website offers a basic search of company information and the links to the company's websites.
This website offers a search in the Commercial and Business register. The CR allows you to find any company, person or other entity from the public registers. The company register can be searched by company ID, name, persons involved and also by registered addresses. The BR gives you basic information about the company - registered office, statutory persons, etc. Additionally, the BR is gives access to overview of the relationships between companies and people with a time analysis of the relationships of companies and people in the business register.
Ministry of Finance Business Registry - ARES (Access to Registers of Economic Subjects)
corporate π︎
ARES is a database administered by the Czech Ministry of Finances and it is an information system which allows retrieval of information on economic entities registered in the Czech Republic. This database offers you a search by company or person name in order to identify information registered with administrative institutions in the country.
Ministry of Justice Official Registry
corporate π︎
The official website of the Department of Justice has the option to search for a company in the public register based on a company name or a person's name. The documents offer detailed historical company information and original documents.
Prague Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Prague Stock Exchange website includes information about trading data (shares, debt, securities, investment funds etc.) and trading information about exchange members list.
The CZ Commercial Register provides a dataset of company information which can be searched by address to find all companies registered at the same location. There is an additional list of the regions of the state of the Czech Republic in which the headquarters of most companies are located.
Industrial Property Office
Intellectual Property π︎
The official website of Industrial Property Office in Prague covers the data from the period of 1919 till 2019. There is a free online database where you can search the list of registered items, administrative and judicial decisions, industrial designs and trademark databases. Depending on what you are looking for, you can search by document/ registration number, title of the document, application number, IPC, Inventor name, etc.
Czech Official Land Registry
land π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Czech Official Land Registry is a paid database and requires an account. It provides details of land and building owners, including any registered legal issues as well as lists of other properties owned by the same owner.
CΓ΄te d'Ivoire — 2
Abidjan Legal Announcements
The traditional newspaper Abidjan publishes summaries of the official notices for the capital city of Abidjan, where many Ivorian companies are registered. These announcements will tell you the capital, notary address and management of a company.
Center of Promotion of Investments in Ivory Coast
gazette π︎
In order to promote investment in the Ivory Coast, this authority made available legal announcements through this database, which you can search by name. These announcements will tell you the capital, notary address and management of a company.
Denmark — 7
corporate π³︎ π︎
BiQ is Denmark's largest corporate reference agency with information on more than 950,000 people and their management positions in more than 1,500,000 Danish companies over the past 30 years. It collects information from the Business Authority and the Official Gazette to create overviews of companies' networks and ownership structures.
Danish Central Business Register
corporate π︎
The Danish Central Business Register (CVR) supports search by company's name, CVR number, and individual's name. Results contain company registration number, address, status, date of registration, shareholder information and annual reports.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Danish business registry, which includes links to the registry, a description of how to search, what can be found, and the legislation behind it.
Ministry of Business and Growth - FSA
corporate π︎
The Danish FSA's Company Register contains data on the companies under supervision by the Danish FSA. Furthermore, it contains data on companies, which the Danish FSA has given authorization or notification to undertake financial activities in Denmark.
Danish Patent and Trademark Office
Intellectual Property π︎
The Danish Patent and Trademark Office database allows you to search information and documents concerning Danish Patents, Danish Trademarks and Danish Designs. It has free access to more than 5 million trademarks.
Denmark Supreme Court Decision Database
legal π︎
The Denmark Supreme Court Decision Database allows you to search decisions by judgement date or time period, case category and keyword.
Maritime and Commercial Court
legal π︎
The website for the Danish Maritime and Commercial Court has a search engine of judgements involving commercial and maritime law. You can search by judgement date or time period, case category and keyword.
Djibouti — 3
Chamber of Commerce of Djibouti
corporate π︎
The official website for the Chamber of Commerce of Djibouti includes a directory of companies organized by category, with company address, contact information and website.
Journal Officiel de Djibouti
gazette π︎
The Official Journal of the government of Djibouti is searchable by Official Journal Number, texts by keyword and period, and text number. The journal publishes laws, amendments, decrees, and proclamations, among other things.
Port of Djibouti
The official website for the Port of Djibouti has downloadable schedules of ships at the port organized by date.
Dominican Republic — 4
Government Portal for Access to Information Requests
corporate π︎
This is a portal for filing Access to Information Requests to courts and ministries in the Dominican Republic. You can make an account, but this is not necessary, and file a request to a public institution or a court.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
corporate π︎
You can look for transactions and search the commercial registry on this website but will need a company number and a validation number. The website has contact information of the registry.
National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI) State Secretariat for Industry and Commerce
Intellectual Property π︎
The website for industrial trademarks includes links to databases of patents and an application form to search for patents registered in the Dominican Republic.
Executive Power CJPE
legal π︎
The judicial website for the Dominican Republic can be searched for decrees, resolutions, changes to laws, and existing laws.
Ecuador — 8
Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil
The Stock Exchange of Guayaquil has a list of issuers with original documents such as announcements, resolutions and dividends. These will tell you representatives, capital shares, and other company details, depending on which documents are available.
National Archive of Statistical Data and Metadata
corporate π︎
This online repository has many databases with public information available for download. Most are censuses and surveys.
Sistema Oficial de ContrataciΓ³n PΓΊblica.
corporate π︎
This online database of public contracts can be searched by company name and will tell you what projects they were contracted for by the government.
Superintendencia de CompaΓ±Γas Ecuador
corporate π︎ π︎
This Ecuadorian business search will give you results so you can check if a company is registered there. For some companies you can click through to the details page where you can find management, shareholders, annual accounts, financials and original documents.
Registro Oficial de Ecuador
gazette π︎
Ecuador's Official Gazette can be searched using the website search bar. You can search company names and depending on why they appear in the gazette, retrieve various kinds of company information.
National Information System
government π︎
Ecuador's National Information System has various databases with statistics and other data related to the government. For example, you can get an overview of public procurements by year and budget. Also available is information per region and import/ export data but no specific commercial entities information.
The National Service for Intellectual Rights
Intellectual Property π︎
The website of the National Service for Intellectual Rights has available online its gazette publications for the last year, which will tell you some basic company information but you have to search each gazette. Also available are resolutions of its board and other publications related to intellectual rights decisions.
Bolsa de Valores de Quito
For Ecuador's Quito Stock Exchange, you can download a spreadsheet with all the listed share issuers but it does not include any additional company information. This can be used as a resource to confirm whether a company is, publicly, registered in Ecuador.
Egypt — 4
Export Development Authority
corporate π︎
The Egyptian Export Development Authority website contains an online directory of Egyptian export companies. It is searchable by company name, sector and governorate. Results include company name, sector, governorate and contact information, as well as the name and contact details for the company chairman. It also contains "export related information," such as current markets, target markets and a catalog of products.
Misr for Central Clearing, Depository and Registry
The Ministry for Central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR) provides clearing and settlement services to the Cairo and Alexandria stock exchanges. The website includes a searchable list of issuing companies and securities brokerage firms, with information on the entities' board of directors, contact details and website.
The Egyptian Exchange
The Egyptian Exchange website provides information on all listed stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.
Egyptian Patent Office
Intellectual Property π︎
The website for the Egyptian Patent Office provides information on intellectual property-related laws, and allows a search in the Egyptian Patent Office Database by patent number, application number, owner, inventor and patent title.
El Salvador — 6
National Center of Registries (CNR)
corporate π︎ π︎
Registration of companies and intellectual property. Registration is required.
Sistema ElectrΓ³nico de Compras PΓΊblicas de El Salvador
corporate π︎
List of suppliers and purchases of the State of El Salvador.
Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador
government π︎
Access to Economic and Foreign Trade Databases.
Estonia — 10
Centre of Registers and Information Systems
corporate π︎
The Central Commercial Register is an online service that allows searching by company name or registry code/ VAT number. Free information includes company name, registry code, status, share capital and location, and director information with the Printout of the "registry card." You can purchase annual reports, if available. The e-Business Register is a service based on the database of the registry departments of county courts
Estonian Chamber of Commerce
The Estonian Chamber of Commerce has more than 3,300 members. The website has a search for companies by name, county or area of activity. Results include company name, county, contact number and website.
Estonian Credit register
corporate π³︎
This portal contains information about financial debts of companies and private individuals. The register currently contains the contact details and information of over 150,000 unique debtors. Enter the business name or registration number to search.
Riigi Teataja
gazette π︎
The Riigi Teataja or the State Gazette contains information on Estonian legislation, statistics, and court information. The website allows search of the full texts of published laws, national regulations, orders of the government and resolutions of the Riigikogu, the unicameral parliament of Estonia.
Estonian Tax and Custom board
government π︎
Estonia's E-mta allows you to get information about taxes, including whether someone has any tax arrears or not; if the person/business is registered as Value Added Tax payer in Estonia or the EU; if the person is or has been a non-resident of Estonia; how donated money has been used; and who has received tax-exempt grants. You must enter the person's commercial register number, personal ID number or non-resident number to submit your search query.
Estonian vehicle history check
government π︎
The Estonian vehicle history check has a search engine that works by registration plate and/or VIN-code. The results list details and possible restrictions of the vehicle.
The Estonian Patent Office
Intellectual Property π︎
The Estonian Patent Office website publishes searchable inventory databases, trademark databases, databases of industrial designs and geographical indication databases.
E-land register
land π︎ π³︎
The E- land registry has information about all registered immovables in the Republic of Estonia. You need to enter an address and then you can see who (person or company) is the owner of the apartment, house, land, etc.
Estonian Court Proceedings
legal π︎
On the Estonian court registry website, you can find all first and second instance court decisions published after 2006, and all Supreme Court decisions. You can search a case using a judge's name, date, and a case's name. However, not all cases are available; lots of civil cases are not open to the public.
Estonian Criminal Records Database
legal π︎ π³︎
This criminal records database contains information about punishments imposed on persons for misdemeanours and criminal offences. It is necessary to send a completed application to the Criminal Records Database either by email ([email protected]) or on paper to the following address: Lubja 4, 19081 Tallinn. It takes up to two business days to get a response.
Eswatini — 4
Business Eswatini
corporate π︎
Business Eswatini represents employers and businesses in all sectors of the Eswatini economy to promote trade and labour relations. It publishes an online business directory that is searchable and organized by sector, which includes address and contact information.
Eswatini Stock Exchange
The Eswatini Stock Exchange website provides a list of custodians, transfer secretaries, licensed stock brokers, government debt sponsors, and primary dealers.
SAFLII (Swaziland)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts records from Eswatini's Industrial Court of Appeal, High Court, Industrial Court, Supreme Court, Labour Law Index, Conciliation Arbitration and Mediation Commission.
The Swazi Legal Information Institute provides free access to a digital collection of Swazi caselaw from all courts of record in Swaziland, labor arbitration awards, and a selection of Swazi legislation as consolidated in 2010.
Fiji — 5
South Pacific Stock Exchange
The South Pacific Stock Exchange (originally the Suva Stock Exchange) is the only licensed stock exchange in Fiji. It contains minimal information on listed companies. There are some annual reports and financial filings from listed companies available but most of the time these are inaccessible.
Ministry of Economy
government π︎
Fiji's Ministry of Economy has a database of all public tenders by industry for the last 3 years. You need to register but it is free.
The Reserve Bank of Fiji
government π︎ π︎
The Reserve Bank of Fiji issues statements on currency, control of money supply, and currency exchange. The website is in English and you can run a manual search.
PacLII - Fiji
legal π︎
This website is useful if you are looking for any court documents in Fiji or anywhere in the Pacific Islands. This source searches Fiji court decision documents held by the Pacific Legal Information Institute. You have Supreme court records available and you can run a manual search. There is an option to search multiple databases or you can select specific courts.
Supreme Court of Fiji
The Supreme Court of Fiji has online Supreme Court decisions from 1972 to 2019. On this page, the court decisions are listed chronologically and alphabetically. To search them for terms, you need to use the Advanced Search option.
Finland — 5
corporate π³︎ π︎
Suomen Asiakastieto Oy provides data services for corporate management, financial administration, risk management and sales and marketing. Their website has diligence information on companies available.
Business Information System
corporate π︎ π︎
The Finnish Business Information System has a company search that is searchable by company name or number. The results give you an overview of basic company information such as address and status. For more detailed information, use the Finnish Patent and Registration Office VIRRE.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Finnish business registry, including links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
Finnish Patent and Registration Office VIRRE
corporate π︎
The Finnish Patent and Registration Office VIRRE, has an online search for company name or number. You can buy additional information and documents such as financial accounts and notifications (which have drop-down menus with more information). The shares information and financial accounts do not disclose ownership.
National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
Intellectual Property π︎
The Finnish Patent and Registration offices provide services that allow you to search companies, associations, foundations and other organizations and corporations, as well as enterprise mortgages and LEI codes. Regarding intellectual property, you can get information about utility models, patents, trademarks and designs.
France — 11
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of publicly available business information in France. This includes links to the registry, a description of how to search, what can be found and the legislation behind it.
Financial Markets Authority
corporate π︎
You can look up company names in this database of financial documents. The database is limited to publicly traded companies. The company documents give a complete overview including registration details, management, ownership, financials and capital.
Registry of Commerce and Companies
corporate π︎ π³︎
This is France's official company registry. You can search for companies by name, number, director and more. Without logging in you can see the address, number, registration date and financials. In order to find out ownership, you need to log in and buy original documents. The website also provides a link to the gazette entries for each company.
corporate π︎
Sirene is the website for the authority that gives companies their business registry number. You can do a free search for company names or numbers and will get their status, activity, address and number of employees.
corporate π︎
This third-party website hosts a search engine for company names and numbers. You can find some basic information such as address, date of incorporation and management. For more details, such as shareholder names, you need to purchase reports or original documents.
Bulletin of Obligatory Legal Announcements
gazette π︎
The 'Bulletin des Annonces LΓ©gales Obligatoires' contains notices, mostly published by companies. These include annual accounts, securities issues, and mergers. This website contains full information for the last three years, and some older data.
Official Bulletin of Civil and Commercial Announcements
gazette π︎
France's official bulletin database can be searched by keywords and names. When you find the bulletin for a company, there is also a link to the company's profile in the company registry. The bulletins include changes in management, incorporation announcements and will tell you about directorship but not about ownership.
Brands Database
Intellectual Property π︎
The French database of registered brand names will give you the full address and correspondence information of the companies that registered the brand name. The ones registered in France include links to the relevant gazette publication.
Patents Database
Intellectual Property π︎
This patents database is searchable by name and keyword. It includes the names of the applicants, which are often companies from across the world.
Registered Design Database
Intellectual Property π︎
When looking for registered designs, you can use this advanced search engine to search by applicant, and in this way can find the address and registry number of companies.
French Cadastre
land π︎
The French cadaster includes land registry information for France, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane and RΓ©union. While it allows you to find the exact location of an address and the corresponding parcel, it does not tell you the ownership.
Gambia — 1
Central Bank of The Gambia
corporate π︎
The official website for the Central Bank of The Gambia provides an online directory of Gambia's financial systems, including the banking industry and insurance industry, as well as rules and regulations surrounding microfinance, the foreign exchange bureau and non-banking financial institutions.
Georgia — 5
Business Registry
corporate π︎
This Georgian governmental website includes a search for commercial and non-commercial entities (nonprofits). The database includes free company documents, also in English translations, such as registration.
This website was created by Transparency International Georgia to make a more accessible version of the official Business Registry run by the National Agency of Public Registry. The website contains data on all Georgian companies starting from 2010. You can easily search and view how company leadership and ownership has changed for the last several years and how shareholders and directors of different companies are linked through ownership or management. This is a scraped database of companies that is searchable by company name, directors and shareholders, company ID.
Georgian Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The official website of the Georgian Stock Exchange is available in both English and Georgian and it offers information of listed companies, including reports of issuers and securities.
corporate π︎ π︎
This website holds information about revenue for different companies but is only available in Georgian and you need to create an account.
National Intellectual Property Center (Sakpatenti)
Intellectual Property π︎
This a governmental website with a registry of intellectual property such as patents, designs, trademarks, varieties, breeds and geographical indicators. You can search by title, identification number, status, owner or inventor name, filing and registration date, and application number.
Germany — 15
Common Register Portal of the German Federal States
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The German company register allows you to search by company name, keyword, registration number and address of a company's main office. There is also the option to include deregistered companies in the search. Results include company name, number, registered office location and company status. Registered documents that have been filed with the registry court since 1st of January 2007 are available for purchase for those who have an account approved by the register portal service point in Germany.
Companies in Berlin
The Business Database of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Berlin publishes information on more than 96,000 member companies in Berlin. You can search by company name as well as type or sector. The search results will tell you the company address, phone number and type.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the German business registry includes links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
Frankfurt Stock Exchange
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has available for download a spreadsheet with all the listed companies but this only tells you their trading symbol, sector and exchange instrument.
Search by location or zip code to find the closest German Chamber of Commerce and general contact information.
Insider trading of publicly listed companies
corporate π︎
BaFin has a database of notifications of managersβ transactions in publicly traded companies in Germany. The database includes securities transactions that were published no more than a year ago, and lists the names of the notifying persons and the publishing companies, as well as information about the transactions and their publication.
Major voting rights in publicly listed companies
corporate π︎
This is BaFin's consolidated database of the holdings of voting rights in publicly traded companies in Germany. The data is updated based on the notifications of major shareholdings and the records of publication submitted by the listed companies.
Media Database
corporate π︎
This database maintained by the Commission on Concentration in Media (Kommission zur Ermittlung der Konzentration im Medienbereich, KEK) publishes the share structure of all broadcast and print media in Germany.
The German Company Registry (Unternehmensregister)
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Unternehmensregister is a more convenient business registry for non-German citizens to use. A search by company name returns register information, balance sheets, federal gazette entries and annual financial statements. Official documents filed with the registry are available for purchase.
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
corporate π︎
Banks, financial service providers, investment companies, insurers or pension funds require written permission from BaFin to start their business operations in Germany. Search the company database for companies that have a license, are notified or maintain a representative office in Germany. If you leave the search box "Company" blank, you will get a complete list of all companies listed in the database.
gazette π︎
Search for publications, announcements and legally relevant company news across all sections of the German Federal Gazette.
Deutscher Bundestag
government π︎
The German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) website has a full list of German MPs. Each MP has a personal page, which includes their biography, memberships of parliamentary committees, and past positions they have held.
government π︎ maintains a location-based database of companies, their emission of pollutants and disposal of waste.
German Financial Sanctions
government π︎
A search on this website returns individuals, entities and organizations that are subject to financial sanctions in Germany.
German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA)
Intellectual Property π︎
The official publications and register database of Germany has search engines for for patents, utility models, trademarks and designs. These can be searched by title/ keyword, company, date of publication and classification number. The original documents can be used to find out contact addresses for companies.
Ghana — 5
Energy Commission
corporate π︎
A repository of government information on the resources market and relevant legislation that includes regulatory documents, planning and statistics.
Ghana Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Ghana Stock Exchange website has a list of all listed companies under "Listing". If you click on the "more" button, you will get capital, incorporation, address, contact information, directors, press releases, financial statements and statistics.
Registrar General's Department
corporate π︎
Ghana's RGD Portal includes a simple name search of registered companies in Ghana. The only information available is company status and type.
Securities and Exchange Commission
corporate π︎
Ghana's Securities and Exchange Commission website has a list of financial market operators, market information, and regulations. Their publications include annual reports and quarterly newsletters. Their "Licensees" page includes addresses and contact information.
Intellectual Property, Copyright Department Ministry of Justice
Intellectual Property π︎
The Ministry holds the intellectual property records of the country, which can be requested only by direct contact via email or phone.
Gibraltar — 2
Companies House Gibraltar
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
In order to access the Gibraltar Companies House e-Registry you will need to make an account with a minimum of Β£10 of credit. The website allows a search by company name or number. Results include company status, date of last annual return and company type. If you click through, you will see a docket of all official documents filed with the registry available to download for Β£10 per document. There is also an option to purchase the complete archives bundle for Β£75 or a company profile for Β£10.
Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
The directory of the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce has a searchable list of all member companies, which states what the sector they work in and the activities they conduct.
Greece — 11
Business Registry
corporate π︎
The Greek business registry provides detailed company information such as address, administration, and documents (in Greek) such as meeting minutes. Search is available by the name of the company.
Official Gazette (The National Printing House of Greece)
corporate π︎
Greece's official government gazette provides information and documents about changes that occur in companies. These can be searched by the name of the company or keyword, and should be searched year by year choosing one type of the company at a time. Only available in Greek.
The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC)
corporate π︎
The Hellenic Capital Commission provides a list of companies. It supervises foreign firms offering investment services, new investment undertakings, as well as the listed companies in respect of their transparency obligations, takeover bids, corporate events, prospectuses in case of rights issues, financial statements, the shareholders and their obligations on major holdings change notification. Available in English.
Online e-auction service
Asset auctions of indebted legal entities and individuals. You can search the debtors by name.
Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE)
directory π︎
A list of debtors with debts in excess of β¬ 150,000. The list is not updated automatically, not very often and is available in Greek only.
The Greek phone book, similar to the U.S. White Pages and Yellow Pages, includes searches for people and businesses.
Central Electronic Registry for Public Procurement
government π︎
Greek Central Electronic Registry for Public Procurement Pubic provides documents of tenders and public procurement. These can be searched by keyword in the title.
Hellenic Parliament
government π︎
A database of Minutes from the Greek Parliament meetings, which can be searched by keyword. These are available in Greek, English and French.
Transparency Program Initiative (Diavgeia)
government π︎
Greece's Transparency Program Initiative provides all government institutions' acts and decisions which they are obliged to upload at the βTransparency Portal.β According to their βTransparency Portalβ, administrative acts and decisions are not valid unless published online.
The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Hellenic Industrial Property Organization is the only legally qualified institution for the protection of inventions and industrial designs. It also provides technological information from worldwide patent databases. You can search the Greek national patent register by the owner, inventor, patent number, keyword and other criteria.
National Cadastre and Mapping Agency SA
land π︎
The Greek land registry does not provide any database information online but provides links to the local offices.
Guam — 2
PacLII Guam Database
The Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute allows a search of Guam Supreme Court Decisions, Court Rules, Rules for the Legal Profession and Judiciary, and Legislation, including the Organic Act of Guam.
PacLII Supreme Court of Guam
The Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute provides online access to decisions of the Supreme Court of Guam from 1996-2019.
Guatemala — 6
Bolsa de Valores de Guatemala
The official website of the Guatemalan stock exchange which aims to regulate and provide services and infrastructure for stock agents. You have access to corporate data for free. The website is in Spanish.
corporate π︎
A searchable database of registered Guatemalan companies that have contracts with the state. This can be searched by name or company number.
corporate π︎
This is a very efficient website from where you can get information about contracts and acquisitions. It provides an entity search which offers detailed information on its current status, contact details, legal representatives, registration details. Search terms must be at least two words long.
Registro Mercantil
corporate π︎
The General Mercantile Registry of the Republic of Guatemala's official contains Spanish-language texts of commercial legislation and other documents of interest, such as descriptions and requirements of administrative procedures.
Registro de la Propiedad
land π︎ π︎
This is an official website for Land/ Property Registry of Guatemala. You can look for registration documents, request for certifications, request for rectifications and request for wills. In order to search you need to enter reference or the document number. This website offers you free access to information such as lease contracts, audit reports, inventory of goods, budgets, deposit information and many more. In order to access to information, you need to register.
Registro Central De Detenidos
legal π︎
This official government website was created according to agreement 5-2012 of the Supreme Court of Justice, in order to provide information to any natural or legal person that requires it, about people who are detained in Guatemala. You can search by name of individual, document name or number, prison center, date of capture, legal name of the prosecutor or state.
Guernsey — 1
Guernsey Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Guernsey registry retrieves basic company information and shows you a list of filings of documents that are available for purchase, including memorandi, articles, director change reports, announcements, and annual returns.
Guyana — 4
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The official website for the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides a registry of members, which includes company name, address, telephone number, website and contact email.
Guyana Stock Exchange
GASCI is a Self-Regulatory Organization registered with the Guyana Securities Council to carry on business as a stock exchange and an association of securities companies and intermediaries. On its website, it publishes an official list and secondary list of securities.
Ministry of Legal Affairs
corporate π︎
The website for the Ministry of Legal Affairs provides an overview of those involved in the ministry, as well as a list of laws available for download.
Bank of Guyana
government π︎
The official website for the Bank of Guyana provides a list of registered insurance companies, registered insurance brokers, registered insurance agents, licensed money transfer agencies, licensed cambios, registered pension plans, commercial banks, and non-bank financial institutions.
Honduras — 6
Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
The CCIC is a Public Law entity. This website gives you the option to search for company information with registration number. Website provides its users with the option to view documents electronically, in the Mercantile Registry section, where both companies and citizens and administrations the public have sufficient proven information on the companies.
corporate π︎
HonduCompras is a search instrument mandated by the executive government in 2005. It documents all contracting issued by the State, and serves as the means by which the state government can provide transparency to the public. The website has an open data search tool available to the public, along with an electronic catalogue of large scale products purchased by the state, along with annual plans for the government's public purchases and contracts.
Registro Mercantil
corporate π︎
The Registro Mercantil is a registry that is one of the main legal instruments for those looking to start businesses in Honduras, where both companies and the general population can electronically file contracts, legal and economic status and digital payment receipts of their associated businesses.
Diario Oficial La Gaceta
gazette π︎ π³︎ π︎
La Gaceta is the official government newspaper of Honduras founded in 1890. It is published in its capital city of Tegucigalpa. The newspaper publishes all legal provisions in the country. There is a search tool that takes a user to a transparency portal, where one can search all publicly available legal data.
Instituto de Acceso a la InformaciΓ³n PΓΊblica
government π︎
The IAIP provides public access to public information, and serves as a regulatory and supervisory entity over public institutions in Honduras. The website provides access to a transparency portal, which provides data of all public institutions at one source. It also publishes quarterly reports on the organization's findings.
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Honduras (DIGEPIH)
Intellectual Property π︎
The website for the General Directorate of Intellectual Property of Honduras lists all intellectual property laws in the country and publishes patent notices with detailed information on the invention and a list of inventors.
Hong Kong — 12
GovHK Business Registration Number Enquiry
corporate π︎
Through the Government of Hong Kong's eTAX service, you can obtain the business registration number of a business, which has been registered with the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department, by inputting the full Chinese or English business name and its location. The business registration number enquiry service is free. You may also use this website to request and purchase information from the business register.
Hong Kong Exchange News
corporate π︎
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has basic and advanced search options for all traded companies. The results return annual reports, shareholder reports, notices, announcements, charges, mortgages, monthly returns, listing documents, and proxy forms.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
In this section of the Hong Kong Exchange website, you can search by company name or ticker for information on all listed companies. Available information includes a company's latest submissions, financial statements/ ESG information, IPO allotment results, notices of general meetings, prospectuses, results announcements, results of general meetings, and resumption/suspension/trading halt announcements.
Integrated Companies Registry Information System
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Hong Kong company database allows a name/number search and yields original documents that will tell you management and ownership, for a small fee per record. Registration of an account is optional, as you can sue a temporary login.
Securities Commission
corporate π︎
Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission includes a search for entities in English and Chinese, for individuals and companies of licenses and registration status. The results will tell you address, responsible officers, representatives and previous names.
Executive Council of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
government π︎
The Executive Council of Hong Kong is the cabinet of the Government of Hong Kong, acting as a formal body of advisers to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. The official website includes a list of members, as well as a register of members' interests in both English and Chinese.
Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
government π︎
The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LegCo) is the unicameral legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The LegCo official website provides a database of members as well as a database of members' interests. The "interests database" provides information on any monetary interest or other material benefit received by a Member, and whether such interests might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions, speeches or votes in LegCo, or actions taken in his or her capacity as a Member of LegCo.
Securities and Futures Commission
government π︎
The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong is the independent statutory body charged with regulating the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. You can search the register of licensed persons and registered institutions by name/CE number or regulated activity. The information dates back to April 1, 2003, the start date of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. Results include CE Reference, Business Name in English, Business Name in Chinese, Main Business Address, License Status. Upon click-through you can see the companyβs responsible officers, representatives, complaint officers, licensing conditions, public disciplinary actions (if any), previous name and license record.
IRIS Land Registry
land π︎ π³︎
You can search the Hong Kong Land registry by address, Development Name, Lot Details or Property Reference Number. You can also order land documents, including memorials, conditions, new grants, government leases and block government leases.
legal π³︎ π︎
D-Law is a paid service with searchable access to more than 3 million litigation records from the courts of Hong Kong dating back to 1990 for civil cases and 2005 for criminal cases. It includes records from the following Hong Kong courts: Court of Final Appeal, Court of Appeal in the High Court, High Court, District Court, Small Claims Tribunal Claim, Magistrates' Court. You can also view Civil and Criminal records to conduct research on a given company or individual.
Hong Kong Judiciary Legal Reference
legal π︎
The Hong Kong Legal Reference System allows a search by keyword of judgements, reasons for verdict, reasons for sentence and practice directions. You can select a court level and a case type from the drop-down boxes to make a search, and the search results will show Judgments/Reasons for Verdict/Reasons for Sentence, which are on appeal from the specified category.
Hong Kong Lands Tribunal
The Lands Tribunal is a tribunal in Hong Kong that deals with legal disputes over land. The online database provides access to decisions from 1982-2017.
Hungary — 6
Budapest Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Budapest Stock Exchange has a list of stock issuers that will give you an address, contact information and date of establishment.
Corporate Registry Search
corporate π︎ π³︎
This Hungarian Company search has for sale certified incorporation certificates, company statements, extracts, history, and associations. The documents are available in electronic format and can be downloaded in English. The incorporation certificate includes officers and members, as does the company history. Some of these documents are available (uncertified) for free on
Court of company registrations
corporate π︎
A company search from Hungary's Ministry of Justice that can be searched by name, registration number and tax number. You can select different kinds of information that you want to see at a time such as headquarters, branches, activity, capital, and members.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Hungarian business registry, which includes links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
Ministry of Justice
corporate π︎
Hungary's Ministry of Justice website has reports filed by companies and auditor's reports. These give general overviews of the company's events and financials.
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office has search engines for industrial property applications and copyright applications. Also, online versions of the Intellectual Property Gazette are available.
Iceland — 4
Directorate of Internal Revenue
corporate π︎
The Iceland Business Directory has a search engine by name, number and address. It will give you board member information, addresses, and company type. There is also a section for "Real Owners" but this data is often missing.
Statistics Iceland
corporate π︎
This website of official Iceland statistics also includes macroscopic business information on, for example, specific markets.
The Financial Supervisory Authority
corporate π︎
Iceland's Central Bank has on its website overviews of supervised entities, which includes companies and their addresses, as well as reports on its own and others' financial activities, such as the Central Bank's foreign assets.
Icelandic Patent Office Ministry of Economic Affairs
Intellectual Property π︎
The Icelandic Patent Office website has search engines for trademarks, patents and design, which will give you an address for the company that applied for them.
India — 6
Bombay Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Bombay Stock Exchange website has a search engine for all its members where you can search by name, type and city. The result will tell you address, directors, contact information, date of registration, type and services.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
corporate π︎
You can search by company name or number and will get address, type, capital, members, directors, and contact information. It is also possible to search for a director and see all the companies they manage. To get more detailed director and partner data, you need to make an account.
National Stock Exchange of India
corporate π︎
On the National Stock Exchange website, you can look for listed companies, board meetings, announcements and annual returns. While the company profiles are very limited, the annual returns are very detailed and include almost every kind of company information.
Securities and Exchange Board of India
corporate π︎
You can search for companies in the reports, filings, enforcement notices, and legal documents published by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Office of the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks
Intellectual Property π︎
This database includes an intellectual property search by keyword as well as a repository with journals. The application overviews will tell you the address of the company or person that applied for the patent.
trade π︎
If you have an Indian PAN number, you can register and look up bills of lading and bills of entry. The website has an archive of bills of lading by port for the past 7 days.
Indonesia — 3
Indonesia Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Indonesia Stock Exchange has a list of companies active on the stock exchange that includes the secretary, director, address, listing date, sector, contact information, commissioners, shareholders and subsidiaries.
Industrial Company Directory
corporate π︎
Indonesia's Ministry of Industry has a searchable database of listed companies that is available for search by name. The list will tell you the address, phone number and sector of the company.
Ministry of Trade
corporate π︎
Indonesia's Ministry of Trade has a regulation page as well as some macroscopic market information.
international — 48
Asian Development Bank List of Sanctions Violations
A searchable sanctions list is available for entities that violated procurement guidelines of the bank and committed subsequent offenses, as well as debarred entities.
Doing Business
Doing Business's law library is ostensibly the "largest free online collection of business laws and regulations." You can search this library by country, region and type of economy.
This website has a list of work barges supporting the oil and gas industry (Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels) and their identifying information: owners, operators, country, and capacity.
corporate π³︎
Dun and Bradstreet Hoovers is one of the world's most complete company databases. It can be used to freely verify the existence of a company. The reports on the companies, however, are very expensive.
International Company Profile
ICP Credit Limited provides international credit status reports, company profiles and business information. You can search by selecting a region or a country and company name. A useful feature is that you can select offshore jurisdictions as a search option. The search engine is free to use, so you can use it to confirm the location of a company, but reports have to be purchased.
Lexis Nexis
corporate π³︎ π︎
A commercial search engine with various products that include collections of databases categorized into news, company profiles, directories, legal sources, and legislation. It is used by many universities and research agencies and has various subscription options.
This open source database has a search for a company or company's official, filtering by jurisdiction. Results list all the places where a company with a specific name is registered and a link to the relevant registry.
A website with jobs and advertisements of equipment (including vessels) in the oil and gas industry. The ads can tell you the seller/ owner, producer, operator, flags, fields, builder etc.
This website offers you a free online search for business information. You can search people, companies or specific topics. Next to this there is an advanced company and person search where you can add information such as number of employees, type of industry, revenue, job title, associations, specialties.
Transnationale is a company search database,with 13000 companies, which are profiled and rated. You can search by company name, by the registered country, by top manager, by a theme such as pollution, offshore locations, money laundering, human rights, etc. The data collected dates from 1998.
corporate π³︎ π︎
A collection of case law, secondary legal sources, statutes and regulations from more than 30 countries, including Spain, US, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Chile. In order to access the data, you need to make a free account. To have full access, you need an account. The service has academic and research center subscriptions.
Wages Index: International Labor Organization
NATLEX is a database of national labor, social security and related human rights legislation covering 196 countries. You can browse by country or subject or use a text search engine.
World Bank Major Contract Awards
Find major procurement contracts awarded to companies to implement projects in World Bank client states. The dataset includes project name, ID, borrower, supplier, and countries involved. You can export the data in a csv and also get API access.
Treaty Pro
This website is a resource for people and companies to try and minimize the taxes they pay. It is managed by Wolters Kluwer and has information on low tax jurisdictions as well as a news feed. The website lists brokers, financial and tax planners, accountants, auditors, insurers, internet and e-commerce solutions, trusts providers, wealth and asset managers, as well as company formation, legal, aviation and marine, corporate, banking, expatriate and pension services.
Open Gazettes
In this database you can search government gazettes (official journals) for company-related notices. The searchable jurisdictions include Spain, France, Luxembourg, UK, Switzerland, Ireland, and Cayman Islands.
Land Matrix
This online open access platform is an initiative where people can collect and share information about decisions over large-scale acquisitions in low- and middle-income countries. You can look through the data by region, country, target, investor, data source, intention and crop. The investors categorization can give you leads to companies that are investing in these companies.
Open Land Contracts
land is provides access to summaries of publicly available contracts for large-scale land, agriculture and forestry projects in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Cameroon, Congo, the DRC, Zambia, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Central African Republic, Malaysia, Cambodia and France.
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was a United Nations court of law that dealt with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s. The ICTY website provides a database of public court records from 1994 to 2017, a database of all MICT public judicial records, and a case law database, which is a gateway to the jurisprudence of the ICTR, ICTY, and the Mechanism Appeals Chambers.
legal π︎
Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
NGO/International Organization
A UN joint initiative that has a database of environmental law globally, including court decisions, literature, jurisprudence, treaties and legislation.
Financial Secrecy Index
NGO/International Organization
The Financial Secrecy Index ranks jurisdictions according to their secrecy and the scale of their offshore financial activities. It has a search engine to look through legal and financial opacity reports on global secrecy jurisdictions.
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
NGO/International Organization π︎
The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) created this portal called the Genie Database where you can search crops and species by UPOV code or name.
UN Water Database
NGO/International Organization
The UN Gemstat website has data related to water resources, such as water quality, that they collect from UN Environment Regional Offices
Resource Contracts
NGO/International Organization provides access to summaries of publicly available investment contracts for oil, gas and mining projects in 93 countries.
Snap Map
social media
This is a visualized database of Snaps submitted on Snapchat that were geolocated and added to an interactive map. You can search the database for specific Snaps.
social media
A website that has archived Instagram stories and allows you to download any public user's stories.
Trade Map
trade π︎
Trade Map is a website where you can search importing and exporting data. In order to access company data, however, you need to have a subscription. You have the option of searching for information in the form of tables, graphs and maps - indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets. The database covers 220 countries and territories and 5300. The trade flows in the database are being uploaded monthly, quarterly and yearly. You can search in group, or singe product, in country or in region.
Bureau Internationale des Containers
The Bureau International des Containers is a global container prefix registry. You can search for companies by container code as well as BIC-registered companies. It has over 2300 container-operating members in more than 127 countries.
Import Genius
trade π³︎ π︎
Import Genius is a database tool for searching information about import and export business. Maritime shipping data focuses on US; Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Russia, Ukraine, and Indian port of Nhava Sheva.
trade π³︎ π︎
Panjiva is a part of S&P Global Market and it gives you overview of data on the global supply chain. You can have insights on companies at every stage of the supply chain. Summaries of trade data, statistics and shipments DB are available for US, Mexico, Brazil, China, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
UN Comtrade
Comtrade Labs showcases UN Comtrade data. It is a database which aggregates import/export statistics which is searchable by time, reporter, HS code, revision, with annual or monthly breakdowns. Paid bulk API available for requests above 100,000 records. Methodological reference by country also available.
Landings Aviation Search Global
This website has a list of registration databases of different countries regarding flights. Under "A/C Registrations" you can chose to look for aircraft registration information by number, owner, manufacturer and model. Many of its links and databases are no longer working as of January 2020.
ADS-B Exchange
Unfiltered and bulk-downloadable ADS-B data. ADSBexchange has the world's largest source of unfiltered flight data. A browsable map of real-time data is available next to the available historical and real-time data for personal/non-profit use.
transport π︎
Equasis is a free database for ships, ship companies, and ownership. It is especially helpful for finding out who owns or manages a ship and which ships are owned by a specific company. The database includes historical information.
Fleet Photo
Russian crowdsourced database of vessel information with detailed ownership lists. Focused primarily on tankers operating in and around the former USSR. You can search by vessel search or design search. In addition to the name of the vessels, for more precise results you can search by IMO, MMSI, registry or board number.
transport π︎
Fleetmon is a commercial vessel tracking website where you can track ships and find out identification and registration information.. It includes IMO numbers and pictures. If you opt for a paid subscription, it also includes historical ship ownership, among other things.
Flight Radar
transport π³︎ π︎
This is an official website of a global flight tracking service which provides you with real-time and historical tracking for commercial and private planes and helicopters - searchable by plane registration. Flightradar24 tracks 180,000+ flights, from 1,200+ airlines, flying to or from 4,000+ airports around the world in real time.
GVA Dictator Alert
This website tracks the planes of authoritarian regimes landing and taking off from Geneva Airport. You can search by tail numbers of government-operated airplanes. GVA Dictator Alert is tracking over 200 planes registered to, or used, by governments described as βauthoritarian regimesβ.
IMO Consolidated Ship Registry
transport π︎
Global Integrated Shipping Information System offers a range of information about maritime statistics, including registration for ships and ship-owning companies gathered from national registers.
Marine Traffic
transport π³︎ π︎
Marine Traffic gives you an option of real-time and historical tracking for commercial and private sea vessels. You can search by registration, name and ownership. Additionally, to this you can search the ports and track arrivals and departures, expected arrivals and port and vessel photos.
Maritime Connector
transport π︎
This listing website of jobs in the maritime sector is good to find sources or track activities of a ship from a different angle. The ship search also includes IMO number, pictures, and more specifics.
Plane Finder App (iOS/Android)
transport π³︎
This is a website which offers global used database for live flight tracking. Flights are searchable by tail number. Additionally, this website/mobile application often contains flight data that has otherwise been wiped from other tracking services.
Plane Spotters
Planespotters is a crowdsourced database of aircraft photos with registration details as well as geographic information. This civil database has more than 80 0000 photos and information on 45 000 aircraft.
Private Jet Fan
Independent collection of, high-value, private aircraft along with well-sourced ownership details and registration information. Particularly useful with former USSR oligarchs. You can get information about private jets, business jets and their owners.
Ship Spotting
Shipspotting is a crowdsourced database of vessels photos with registration details as well as geographic information.
Super Yacht Fan
Superyacht Fan is independent collection of high-value private vessels along with well-sourced ownership details and registration information. Particularly useful with former USSR oligarchs.
Vessel Finder
transport π︎
This ship tracking website is great as you can also search by MMSI, which is good for ships that do not have an IMO, as is usually the case for very small ships.
Vessel Tracking
transport π︎
A blog with an overview of various ship tracking sources, including ones specific to big container ship companies.
Iran (Islamic Republic of) — 4
Iranian Official Journal
corporate π︎
This is the country's official newspaper which is a subsidiary of the judiciary that operates as a corporation. You can get the information about the laws and regulations of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, decisions of the Supreme Court and Administrative Justice Court and the bylaws and approvals of the Cabinet. The website is available only in Persian.
corporate π︎
This Persian website of Stock Brokers and Securities Brokers has some information such as number and contact information about brokerage firms in downloadable spreadsheets, which are available only in Persian.
Tehran Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
This is an official website for the Tehran Stock Exchange Service Company, where you can get the basic information for all listed companies and reports for some of them. Next to this, you can look into data regarding sectors, companies and stocks, shareholders, indices and trades.
Industrial Property Office Registration Organization of Deeds and Property of Islamic Republic of Iran
Intellectual Property π︎
This official government website offers has a search engine for PCT, domestic patents, registration database, geographical indicators, and distrait projects. The website is in Farsi and English, but the English translation of website is not working. When you Google translate the entire page, the page is easy to navigate. You can search by the status or name of the goods, date of declaration, the national number, ownership, etc.
Ireland — 3
Companies Registration Office
corporate π︎ π³︎
You can do a preliminary company name or number search for free and without registration. In order to get more detailed information, you need to pay for a print-out, which details a company's name and previous name, registered office, company type, incorporation and annual return details, charges secured against it, directors and secretary, and a list of each submission that has been received or registered.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Irish business registry, including links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found as well as the legislation behind it.
Patents Office Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation
Intellectual Property π︎
Ireland's Patent Database Search has number of search options such as title, abstract and applicant that yield basic information on registered patents and their proprietors such as address.
Isle of Man — 1
Department of Economic Development
corporate π︎ π³︎
Isle of Man's company database can be searched by company name and will tell you name, number, type, address, date of incorporation, status, previous names and registered agents for free. You can also buy original documents such as annual returns, incorporation documents and memoranda. These will tell you directorship and ownership. You will need to create an account to buy them.
Israel — 6
Israel Business Registry
corporate π³︎
This company database is maintained by due-diligence company KYC Israel. You can get the address and a short company description for free. In order to find out directors and shareholders, you need to buy a company profile.
Israel Company Profiles
This third-party service is the only English-language index of Israeli companies. It is updated approximately every six months. It does not include previous names of companies. You can use it to get the company number using the English-language search and then using the number in Hebrew websites. A basic package will get you the Corporation Name, Corporation Number, Corporation Address, Legal Status, Legal Structure, Registration Date, Submittal Date of Last Annual Report, Directors, Total Value of Registered Shares, and Shareholders.
Israel Corporation Authority
corporate π︎
The Israeli Corporation Authority website is only available in Hebrew. You can search by corporation number or corporation name for basic company info, such as address, date of incorporation and company purpose. You need to order documents for more detailed information.
Registrar of Companies
corporate π︎
The Department of Justice uploads registry data to Israel's government data website. You can look for companies using a search engine or download a CSV with all registered companies. The list is in Hebrew and some entries have English names. The database includes date of incorporation, address, type of entity, whether it is a government company, a short description, and any violations.
Israel Patent Office Ministry of Justice
Intellectual Property π︎
On the official website of the Israel Patent Office, you can get information about applications and patents, trademarks and international patent applications. You can also search annual reports. You can search by number, type of registration, customer number, application date or registration date and owner name.
This is the website for the publishing house of Israel's Supreme Court and is available only in Hebrew. It includes some information on court records and procedures.
Italy — 5
Chamber of Commerce Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The official Italian company register of the Chamber of Commerce can be searched by company name and activity or by person, once you have an account. Without an account you can still get some very basic company information such as the address and activities. An account gives you access to pay for an overview, historical overview and a people's file, which will tell you management, mergers, address, number of employees and shareholders.
European Commision E-Justice
The European Commission overview of the Italian business registry includes links to the registry, aa description of how to search and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
Italian Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Italy stock exchange website lists all the companies active on the stock market and you can also search them by name. The documents online include mergers, annual returns, acquisitions and shares information in English.
The Italian Companies and Exchange Commission
corporate π︎
The Committee of the Italian Stock Exchange has a list online of the companies on the exchange where you can check the ownership, board members and other detailed information.
Italian Patent and Trademark Office Directorate General of Combating Counterfeiting
Intellectual Property π︎
The "Banche Dati" includes a link to the databases of intellectual property applications, trademarks and patents and a description of what can be found there. The databases can be searched by number, name and keyword. The website also includes bulletins, statistics, and databases on specific topics such as counterfeiting and research per sector.
Jamaica — 2
Companies Office of Jamaica
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Jamaican company search allows you to search by name or number. The results list will tell you address, incorporation date, and the status of the company. In order to get more details, you need to order a profile. You can also look for company documents per entity.
Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
Jamaica's Intellectual Property Offices has available online trademark decisions, and patent documents. However, to find specific issues of trademarks, you need to look at the publications, which are available through an "issuu" link on the website and not searchable in a database.
Japan — 3
Japan Exchange Group
This is the website for all of Japan's stock exchanges. It includes a listed company search, which will tell you the date of incorporation, main office address, names of shareholders, representatives and total shares, among other things.
Ministry of Justice Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
This website of the company and real estate registries is only available in Japanese. In order to access certificates and registration records, you need to make an account, for which you need a Japanese telephone number.
Japan Patent Database
Intellectual Property π︎
This database allows you to look by company name, design and keyword. It will provide the original application documents which include some company information but are in Japanese.
Jersey — 1
JFSC Companies Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎
The Jersey registry has a free search and the results will tell you the registered office and registration number. You can also buy the annual returns and registration certificates without having to create an account. The annual returns list the share structure and the shareholders.
Jordan — 3
Companies Control Department
corporate π︎
The Jordanian Companies Control Department website includes a search by company name, capital, partner name, registration period, company number, and more. Results include name, status, type, registration date, address, managers, capital and mother company if it is a branch. By clicking on a link, you can also get status changes which include ownership change.
Jordan Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
This is a list of the Jordan stock exchange major share issuers with company information such as address, objectives, general manager, number of employees, board members and shareholders.
Industrial Property Protection Directorate Ministry of Industry and Trade
Intellectual Property π︎
The Ministry of Trade website has trade names and individual organizations search options, which can be found under "Query." They allow searches by name, owner, registration number, and sector and return spreadsheets in Arabic with registration type, status, date, office, and owner name. Under the individual organizations search, you can also get the capital and more detailed contact information.
Kazakhstan — 5
E-government Kazakhstan
corporate π︎ π︎
This online database is only available with registration and requires a Kazakh personal ID number. Company information includes directors and members for all companies and a list of historical changes with dates. A description of these changes can be requested in writing.
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Kazakhstan Stock Exchange has available lists of issuers with basic company information. It also includes information about the market and companies in general.
Ministry of Finance
corporate π︎
This official website of Ministry of Finance gives the status of a company, its date of incorporation, and the consolidated taxes paid for the current year and five previous years. Most importantly, it offers BIN number for companies. Next to this, you also have the option of searching for taxpayers throughout Kazakhstan.
This website includes the option to search for individuals by their personal number (IIN number). The search results include date of birth (which are also the first 6 digits of the ΠΠΠ), the first four digits of domestic IDs and the first four digits of passports.
Committee of Intellectual Property Rights Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Intellectual Property π︎
The National Institute of Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan has a searchable database of inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks. The entries do not provide any company information.
Kenya — 5
eCitizen- Business Name Search, Registrar of Companies
corporate π︎ π︎
Users can search the Kenya Registrar of Companies by business name. This service is only accessible to people who reside in or have a business registered in Kenya.
Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry
corporate π︎
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) was established in 1965 as the umbrella body of the private sector in Kenya. The website hosts a directory of members, which can be accessed when logged in.
Government Gazette of Kenya
gazette π︎
The Kenya Law website publishes weekly and special issues of The Kenya Gazette from 2005-2019. There is also a selection of issues that are published on Google Books that you can search by keyword. The gazette includes land deed ownership and announcements of the incorporation and dissolution of companies.
Kenya Law
The National Council for Law Reporting (Kenya Law) is the lead provider of public legal information in Kenya. The site hosts decisions made by the Supreme Court of Kenya, all Courts of Appeal, all High Courts, all Employment and Labour Relations Courts, and all Environmental and Land Courts. it also maintains a Laws of Kenya database.
The Judiciary of Kenya
legal π︎
The website for the Judiciary of Kenya publishes cause lists and decisions by the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Employment and labour Relations Court, Environment and Land Court, and Subordinate Courts.
Korea, Republic of — 2
corporate π︎
The Repository of Korea's Corporate Filings has a search and listing for companies. However, the companies are limited to publicly listed entities and the information only includes name, code, registration number, tax number, address, sector and contact information.
Korea Exchange
corporate π︎
The Korean Stock Exchange has profiles of all listed companies as PDF attachments, which are in Korean.
Kosovo — 4
Kosovo Business Registration Agency
corporate π︎
The official Kosovo corporate register website can be searched by company name, number, ID and activity. Results include the name, number, address, authorized persons, shareholders, branches and activity of the business.
Official Gazette Of The Republic of Kosovo
gazette π︎
This website includes a list of Kosovo's laws, international agreements, acts of municipalities, acts of independent institutions, acts of the constitutional court, acts of judicial institutions, as well as a register of sub-normative acts of the government and ministries and inheritance and property notices. The gazette is searchable.
Kosovo Competition Authority
government π︎
The Kosovo Competition Authority is responsible for promoting market competition in Kosovo. It publishes its decisions and opinions, which are available for download.
Supreme Court of Kosovo
legal π︎
The website for the Supreme Court of Kosovo publishes judgements from the supreme court, verdicts from the special chamber and verdicts from the appeal panel. The site allows a search by case number
Kyrgyzstan — 11
Kyrgyz Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Kyrgyz Stock Exchange collects general information about open joint-stock companies such as manager, address, phone and activity. There are also quarterly reports available.
Ministry of Justice
corporate π︎
The official database of Kyrgyz companies can be searched by shareholder, CEO, registration number, and address. The information in the company extracts includes current shareholders (not including number of shares), management, the company's main activity, tax ID number, address, phone number, and the date the company was last re-registered.
Kyrgyztelecom Telephone Directory
Local phone book provided by state communication company allows search by name, phone number and address
"Open Budget" portal, Ministry of Finance
government π︎
Revenues and expenditures of the republican and local budgets. Includes very useful info on how much taxes private companies are paying since 2011.
Electronic service of the State Tax Service
Allows search by tax number or name of a person
Kyrgyz Mining Licenses
government π︎
The website of the State Committee for Subsoil Use provides data on the issued exploration and mining licenses
State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent)
Intellectual Property π︎
The official website of the Kyrgyzstan Patent Office has a searchable database that can be queried by number, date, image and owner. The owner option can be used to verify whether a company is registered in Kyrgyzstan.
Address Register of the Kyrgyz Republic
land π︎ π³︎ π︎
Public cadastral map allows you to find owners of land and real estate.
Toktom Legal Information Portal
legal π³︎ π︎
The largest non-state archive of normative and other documents issued by Kyrgyz authorities
Lao People's Democratic Republic — 3
Lao Securities Exchange
The Lao Securities Exchange is the primary stock exchange in Laos. As of September 2019, there are 10 companies listed on the exchange. Company information is available for download via the "Listed Companies/Disclosure" section of the website.
Bank of The Lao P.D.R.
government π︎
The Official Website for the Bank of The Lao P.D.R. provides a list of banks in Laos with their websites and contact numbers.
National Assembly
government π︎
The National Assembly is the unicameral parliament of Laos. The website lists parliamentary members, including lists of individuals in each committee.
latin-america-and-the-caribbean — 5
Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce
The official website of the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce provides a list of all its members including importers, exporters, government officers, and sister chambers in Latin America.
Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange
The Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) is a regional securities market and Stock exchange, establlished by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB). It serves Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The site publishes issuer proofiles with annual reports, names of directors and contact details.
Data Juridica
legal π³︎ π︎
Data Juridica provides a criminal record search by name for the U.S., Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Caribbean Court of Justice
legal π︎
The Caribbean Court of Justice is the judicial institution of the Caribbean Community. Established in 2003, it is based in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Appellate jurisdiction and original jurisdiction judgements are available for download.
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court
legal π︎
The Supreme Court covering the Eastern Caribbean countries of Grenada, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla, Saint Lucia, Virgin Islands, Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Montserrat has a directory of judgements searchable by year, country, and month. A digest of decisions, and high court judgements is available and searchable.
Latvia — 4
European Commision E-Justice (Latvia)
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Latvian business registry, including links to the registry, a description of how to search it and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
corporate π︎ π︎
You can search by company name or number to retrieve detailed information on companies, including names of owners and managers. An account is necessary.
The State Revenue Service
government π︎
Go to State Revenue Service Public Database and search for physical or legal persons by name AND registration code
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia
Intellectual Property π︎
Search for information in the official gazette (2009-2019) and three databases: inventions (Espacenet), trademarks, and industrial designs
Lebanon — 7
Association of Lebanese industrialists
The Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI) is the main national association of manufacturing companies operating in Lebanon. The site provides a search engine of member companies, and results include information on the company's representative, sector, address, contact information and website.
Beirut Stock Exchange
The Beirut Stock Exchange is the principal stock exchange of Lebanon. The site contains information about listed companies, including the board of directors, trading data, share capital, financial statements, auditors' reports and by-laws.
Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon
The official website for the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon provides information on members, including contact information, representative, and business activity. The site allows search in Latin or Arabic script.
Lebanon Business Directory
The Lebanese Business Directory contains members of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon. It allows search by activity (NACE Code), product, company name and relevant keyword.
Lebanon Commercial Register
corporate π︎
The Republic of Lebanon Commercial Register is maintained by the Ministry of Justice. The site allows for searches by Arabic trade name or registration number. Results include date of registration, company status, legal form and registration number. In some cases, it also includes information on shareholders and directors, share capital, branches and contracts. There is a disclaimer on the website stating that the accuracy of the data cannot be reassured.
The Directory of Exports & Industrial Firms in Lebanon
corporate π︎
The Directory of Exports and Industrial Firms in Lebanon allows a company search by sector: industrial, banks, insurance, transportation and import. The directory includes contact details, exact location, and in most cases, a link to the full directory listing, which may include names of directors or board members.
Lebanese Official Gazette
gazette π︎ π³︎ π︎
The official journal of the Republic of Lebanon includes legislation, official announcements, judicial rulings, real estate registry, commercial registration secretariat announcements, and protection of intellectual and literary property. The site is in Arabic and there is no search function.
Lesotho — 5
Lesotho Ministry of Trade & Industry, Cooperatives & Marketing
corporate π︎
Using the Company Search option you can find details of both internal and external companies. Details include shareholdings, directors, addresses, date of incorporation and business activity. Using the Officers, Shareholders and Members Search you can determine whether an individual is, or has been, a director/shareholder of a company or a member of a non-profit organization.
Lesotho Government Documents
gazette π︎
The official website for The Kingdom of Lesotho publishes official reports, speeches, press statements and tender notices. It also provides a list and description of ministries, important government offices and arms of state.
Central Bank of Lesotho
government π︎
Website for the Central Bank of Lesotho includes economic reports and monetary legislation for the country. It also has a list of licensed banks, asset managers, insurance brokers, insurance companies and money lenders with their principal officers, addresses and contact information
legal π︎
Legal institute containing judgements from the Lesotho Court of Appeal, High Court, High Court Commercial Division, High Court Constitutional Division, High Court Land Division, Labour Appeal Court and the Labour Court. The website also contains enacted legislation.
SAFLII (Lesotho)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts records from Lesotho's High Court (Commercial and Constitutional), Court of Appeal, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, as well as Lesotho legislation.
Liberia — 3
Liberia Business Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
Users can search the Liberia Business Registry by business name for confirmation of name reservation. Info includes date the name was reserved, date the name was last renewed, and county in which the business was registered. Registration is required to obtain additional information.
National Elections Commission of Liberia
government π︎
The website for the National Elections Commission of Liberia provides lists of political parties, as well as successful and unsuccessful candidates dating back to 2005.
The Liberia Legal Information Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to free online access to the legal information of Liberia. Users can access opinions of Liberiaβs Supreme Court, codified and uncodified legislation, agency regulations, concession agreements, court rules, treaties and an array of Liberian law resources. Information can be obtained through key word searches and by browsing LiberLIIβs libraries.
Liechtenstein — 2
Land and Trade Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎
The commercial register of the Principality of Liechtenstein has a free search engine for registered entities. The results are sparse, only mentioning address, incorporation date and numbers of relevant gazette entries. Clicking on the three small dots at the bottom gives you the possibility to look at historical information. The database can be searched by company number or name.
corporate π³︎ π︎
Teledata provides a search by name of company or person in databases from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Moreover, the website has detailed information from financial institutions, official registries and other public administration departments including links to politicians, detailed financial status and reports, birth dates, and addresses.
Lithuania — 6
Centre of Registers
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
Detailed company information is only available to Lithuanian citizens with a digital signature or a bank account in Lithuania. Basic company information and a list of all filed documents is available for free to anyone. Search by director is not available due to law on protection of personal information. Publishing personal information is also punishable by law.
Directory of Lithuanian companies
Search for the companies in Lithuania by name and registration number. The directory includes basic information and can include related person, history of changes in the company, and some financial information.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Lithuanian business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania
Intellectual Property π︎
The agency has a gazette/ bulletin with entries by date uploaded in searchable PDFs but no search engine to look by name.
The unofficial source of court cases, searchable by case number, judge's name, court house, time period. The names of individual involved are not available because of personal information protection laws - all the names are diminished to their initials. The source includes litigation involving non-Lithuanian companies.
Lithuanian National Courts Administration
legal π︎
The official site of Lithuanian courts administration which includes three databases: reports about ongoing lawsuits, public searches of timetables and judgements.
Luxembourg — 3
Commission for Surveillance of Financial Sector
corporate π︎
Search entities registered in Luxembourg and supervised by CSSF.
European Commision E-Justice (Luxembourg)
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Luxembourg business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
Luxembourg Business Registry
gazette π︎ π︎
Search for people, company profiles, legislation and jurisprudence, court rulings. The website also provides access to European Business Register
Macao — 2
Commercial and Moveable Property Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎
This online service allows you to search by company name or number and then you can order a detailed or current registration certificate. For some companies you can also order the latest company statutes. The registration certificate will tell you shareholders, management and filed documents.
Government Printing Bureau
gazette π︎
Macau's Government Printing Office has its official bulletins online as well as lists of legal entities. By searching the website for a company or persons name, you will get a list of all the related publications and documents. The registration notices include address and shareholders.
Madagascar — 2
General Directorate of Taxes
corporate π︎ π︎
The General Directorate of Taxes website allows registered users to search for taxpayers in Madagascar.
SAFLII (Madagascar)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website contains a database of decisions from the Madagascan Constitutional Court.
Malawi — 4
Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
The MCCCI website contains a searchable list of members organized by category. Company info includes brief description, website and contact number.
Malawi Stock Exchange
The website for the Malawi Stock Exchange publishes daily market reports and company announcements, including annual reports for listed companies.
Parliament of Malawi
government π︎
The official website for the Parliament of Malawi publishes a list of all current members of the National Assembly. Each member has a profile, which includes a brief biography and contact information.
Malawi Legal Information Institute
MalawiLII provides access to decisions by the Supreme Court of Appeals, High Court: General and Commercial Divisions, Industrial Relations Court, Magistrate Court Lilongwe, Magistrate Court Zomba, as well as the most current and complete digital collection of Malawi case law, a selection of Malawi legislation, and a selection of the Government Gazette.
Malaysia — 3
Companies Commission of Malaysia
corporate π︎
The Companies Commission of Malaysia is a government body that regulates corporate and business affairs in Malaysia. Once registered on the e-Info website, users can search a company and obtain basic information, such as registration number and city. Additional information such as director and shareholder names and company capital can be purchased for 15 RM.
Securities Commission Malaysia
corporate π︎
The Securities Commission (SC) Malaysia website publishes lists of representatives, companies and individuals that are or were previously registered with the SC. The lists contain basic company information, such as address, contact information, and names of directors and contact persons.
Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia
Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
Registered users of the MyIPO website can search Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs, and Geographical Indications.
Maldives — 5
Maldives Stock Exchange
The official website of the Maldives Stock Exchange includes basic information on listed entities, such as overview, date of establishment, address, and other contact information.
Ministry of Economic Development- Business Portal
corporate π︎
The Business Portal on the Ministry of Economic Development website contains two registries that can be searched by company name: the Business Registry and Small or Medium-Sized Enterprises Registry. Results include company details such as address, names of directors and shareholders, and business permits and licenses.
Maldives Gazette
gazette π︎
The official gazette of the government of the Maldives is published in Dhivehi.
Supreme Court of the Maldives
legal π︎
The Supreme Court off the Maldives publishes details on several decisions in English. Details include case summary, summary of highlighted issues, and judgement.
Maldives Ports Limited
transport π︎
Maldives Ports Limited is the country's authority on port related businesses and manages all the regional ports. The website includes services such as "Container Live Search," which allows a search by container number, and a daily schedule of "Vessel Movement," which shows which ships will arrive, which ships have left, and which ships are stationed at ports.
Mali — 2
Journal Officiel de la RΓ©publique du Mali
gazette π︎
The website of the Journal Officiel de la RΓ©publique du Mali allows a search by keyword, date, and theme of Malian country-wide and Regional laws.
Juricaf (Mali)
Juricaf contains decisions from Mali's Supreme Court from the period 1993-2016. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Malta — 5
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Maltese business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
Malta Business Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Malta Business Registry offers a name/number company search and yields shareholder information, directors & secretaries, and filed documents available for purchase and download.
Malta Financial Services Authority
corporate π︎
The Malta Financial Services Authority is the only regulator of financial services in Malta. The website The online register is a public record that shows details about firms licensed and regulated by the Authority.
Servizzi tal-Δ ustizzja: Lista tas-sentenzi
legal π︎
The ecourts website allows a search of court records from the compllete Maltese court system. You can search by date, court, judges name, party name or keywords in the text. Full judgements in Maltese are available to download and case summaries are available in English.
Malta Ship Photos
A repository of photos and information of ships spotted in and around Malta, including other sea industries such as farms, oil rigs, etc. Manual searching around the website is necessary.
Marshall Islands — 2
Marshall Islands Maritime & Corporate Administrators
corporate π︎
Search by name or number for basic company information.
Supreme Court of Marshall Islands
This database contains selected cases of the Supreme Court of the Marshall Islands. Online access from 1982-20137 is available. Database was last updated on 10 February 2017.
Mauritania — 2
Central Bank of Mauritania
government π︎
The official website for the Central Bank of Mauritania publishes monetary and financial regulations, statistics and research reports. It includes a directory of the banking, microfinance sector, as well as other financial institutions and fund transfer providers.
Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines
government π︎
The site for the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines publishes copies of contracts in Mauritania's extractive sector.
Mauritius — 6
Corporate and Business Registration Department
corporate π︎
The CBRD website allows a search of companies and partnerships by name, file number, business registration number, and incorporation/registration date. Results include a company profile with details such as address, share capital, names of directors and shareholders, profit and loss statements, and dates that annual returns were filed.
Bank of Mauritius
government π︎
The Central Bank of Mauritius website publishes names and contact off authorized financial institutions.
government π︎
The e-Procurement website provides information on public tenders and procurements, as well as invitations for bids.
Financial Services Commission - Mauritius
government π︎
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is the regulator for the non-bank financial services sector and global business in Mauritius. The website contains a register of entities licenced by the FSC to provide financial services or to conduct financial business, as well as "investor alerts" against institutions it considers to have committed illegal, dishonourable and improper practices, market abuse and financial fraud.
SAFLII (Mauritius)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts Privy Council Decisions from 1982-2009.
Supreme Court of Mauritius
legal π︎
The Supreme Court of Mauritius publishes decisions since 2013 for the District Courts, Intermediate Court, Industrial Court, and Rodrigues. Users can search judgements by keyword or view a list of judgements per year filed in alphabetical order.
Mexico — 10
Registro PΓΊblico de Comercio (SIGER)
corporate π︎
After registering, the website allows to search for company information according to the name of the company, its partners or the FME number (Folio Mercantil ElectrΓ³nico (FME)). In some cases a payment must be made to access the information, depending on the local legislation of each State.
Registro Γnico de Proveedores y Contratistas
corporate π︎
The complete and updated list of suppliers and contractors can be downloaded here. To search which companies are part of the "Single Registry of Suppliers and Contractors (RUPC)" click here:
SIEM (Sistema de InformaciΓ³n Empresarial Mexicano)
corporate π︎
The system allows access to basic contact information, addresses, and commercial activities of companies. However, it does not allow access to documentation on shareholders or boards of directors. If you want to see that kind of information, use the Registro PΓΊblico de Comercio (SIGER)
Diario Oficial de la FederaciΓ³n
gazette π︎
Daily official gazette. Available: advanced search and download documents published by the gazette since 1921.
Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia
government π︎
It compiles the public information available on budgets and administrative documents of each institution for each State of Mexico.
Registro Civil de MΓ©xico
government π︎
It allows access to the birth certificates of Mexican citizens. However, access to information is difficult: the platform requests a lot of personal data to get the documents.
SIPOT (Registro de servidores pΓΊblicos)
government π︎
It contains the complete list of all the public employees in Mexico and their public employment history.
Instituto Federal de Acceso a la InformaciΓ³n y ProtecciΓ³n de Datos (IFAI)
government π︎
Contracts, concessions, permits and authorizations granted by the Mexican Government.
Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (MARCia)
Intellectual Property π︎
It allows to search trademarks by brand name, by the name of the owner or name of the company that made the registration.
Moldova, Republic of — 5
Official Company Registry - "Camera ΓnregistrΔrii de Stat" (CIS)
corporate π︎ π³︎
Provides basic data about companies for free (such as registration number and date, full name, address, administrators, shareholders). You can pay some extra to get additional company information. You can sign in as a guest to have the access to services. Users can also create an account. The webpage is in Romanian, English, Russian.
Income, property and interests declared by public persons
List of liquid and fixed assets, positions, news articles, and documents on public officials. Very detailed and well organized.
Moldovan Public Procurement
government π︎
A registry of all public procurements. It is searchable be the executive, by the state branch, by the contract number etc. The webpage is in Romanian, English, Russian.
State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI)
Intellectual Property π︎
Official website of the Patent Office, which provides the ability to search through patent attorneys.
State Tax Service
Provides free access to basic company data, including administratorsβ names, registration number, financial status. Search by company's registration number only. The webpage is in Romanian, English, Russian
Monaco — 2
Monaco Government
corporate π︎
You can search the database of commerce and industry for companies and legal persons by their names or registry number. The company results will tell you the activity, status, number and address.
Journal de Monaco
gazette π︎
Search public gazette for people/companies that appear in announcements.
Mongolia — 4
BDSec is a stock brokerage and investment banking firm in Mongolia. The website contains profiles and financial data on companies listed on the Mongolian Stock Exchange.
Mongolia's Naming System for Legal Entities
corporate π︎ π︎
You can create an account on the company registry website to search for the names of legal entities registered in Mongolia.
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The MNCII website publishes a list of all member companies, including information such as chamber of commerce ranking, director name, and address. The database is organized by industry, but can be searched by company name.
legal π︎ is an official collection of legal acts in Mongolia. The website includes presidential decrees, decisions of the constitutional court, governnment resolutions, among others.
Montenegro — 10
Central Register of Economic Entities of Montenegro (CRPS)
corporate π︎
Montenegrin official business registry contain detailed company information with historical data. Search is available by ID number or name of person/company. Available in Montenegrin only.
Central Securities Depository and Clearing Company of Montenegro
corporate π︎
Central Securities Depository Agency gives company's ID number, name, address, symbol, ISIN, number of shareholders, number of shares. Document with top 10 shareholders of companies is available to download on its website. English version available.
Montenegro Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
In Montenegro Stock Exchange database there are financial reports of traded companies and top 10 shareholders available. English version available.
Secured Transactions Registry of the Commercial Court in Podgorica
corporate π︎
Montenegrin pledge registry gives detailed information about transactions. It is available to search by the name of the company, number of the company or the number of registered pledges. Also available in English.
Securities Commission
corporate π︎
Securities Commission database contain financial, audit and consolidated reports of traded companies. It gives information about the issuers of securities. Available in Montenegrin only.
Tax Authority
corporate π︎
Tax Administration of Montenegro website contains financial and audit reports of companies. Search is available by company ID number or name. Available on Montenegrin only.
Telekom Phonebook
Montenegrin online phonebook is available to search by the name of the person and city. It gives both results on phone numbers for both landline and mobile phones. Available in Montenegrin only.
Agency for Prevention of Corruption
government π︎
Database of Montenegrin anti-corruption agency contains information on property and income of state officials and political parties funding. Available in English.
Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro
Intellectual Property π︎
Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro contains databases of patents, trademarks and intellectual property applications. It is searchable by the number of registrations, keyword and registrant. Website is available in Montenegrin only.
Land Registry
land π︎
You can access the registry using the following login information: username: KORISNIK, password KORISNIK. You can search by the parcel number or an individual's ID number. Montenegrin land registry gives all the land property registered in someone's name, its size and any other available details. Available in Montenegrin only.
Morocco — 3
Moroccan Authority of Capital Markets
corporate π︎
There is a list of issuers with management, incorporation, shareholder and financial information. You can also look at press releases and financial statements of the listed companies. The database is searchable by company name.
Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property
corporate π︎
Morocco's database of companies can be searched by company name, patent. design and other keywords. The free search will tell you a company name, number, status, activity, judicial form, capital and date of incorporation. In order to get more information, you have to buy the company filings such as the statutes, reports and financial statements.
Supreme Court of Morocco
legal π︎
The official website of Morocco's Supreme Court is in Arabic and the other language versions are often down. You can search for the court decisions but only in Arabic. The results list has a short description of the decision and a link to the original document.
Mozambique — 4
Bolsa de Valores de Moçambique
The official website of the Mozambique Stock Exchange contains detailed information on listed companies, such as a list of members of the administrative council, published reports and accounts, and contact information.
SAFLII (Mozambique)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website contains decisions of the the Supreme Court of Mozambique from 1992-2007.
Tribunal Administrativo
legal π︎
The Administrative Court of Mozambique website contains a collection of jurisprudence in pdf format, which is available to download.
Tribunal Supremo
legal π︎
The official website of the Supreme Court of Mozambique publishes Supreme Court decisions, as well as judgements of the Superior Courts of Appeal of Maputo, Beira, and Nampula.
Namibia — 5
Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The NCCI publishes a searchable directory of members that includes basic information such as company name, industry, and contact information.
Namibia Government Gazette
gazette π︎
The official gazette of the Government of Namibia is published on the Namibian Parliament website. Entries are organized by year and available to download in PDF format.
Parliament of Namibia
government π︎
The official website of the Parliament of Namibia publishes a list of all current members, as well as lists of former members of the National Assembly and National Council. Each member has a profile that contains contact information and a short bio.
CommonLII (Namibia)
The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute contains a database of Namibia Legislation from 1990-2005.
SAFLII (Namibia)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website contains a number of court records, including: High Court decisions (1990-2019), High Court Main Division decisions (2006-2020), Northern Local Division decisions (2013-2020), Labour Court Main Division decisions (2013-2020), Supreme Court decisions (1990-2020) and Labour Court decisions (1993-2012).
Nauru — 1
Supreme Court of Nauru
legal π︎
This database contains selected cases of the Supreme Court of Nauru. You have online access to court cases from 1969-2019. Database was last updated on 26 August 2019.
Nepal — 2
Office of the Company Registrar
corporate π︎ π︎
You can search the Nepal company register through the online search bar. The results will include registration number, registration date, Nepali name, company type and address.
Department of Industry
Intellectual Property π︎
Nepal's Department of Industry has the Industrial Property bulletins available online. Under "Notice" you can also find a list of registered trademarks, which will tell you the owner of the trademark and where they are incorporated.
Netherlands — 5
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Dutch business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as legislation behind it.
Kamer van Koophandel
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The official company registry of the Netherlands has company profiles, which will include management, excerpts, changes, annual accounts and ownership information. These can also be bought separately. You can also buy original documents or deposited files, if they have been filed by the company.
Open KvK
corporate π︎
A simple and quick database with limited information on listed companies in the Netherlands. It collects the free data from, which is the official registry. The information you get is the type of entity, date of incorporation, sector and company number.
Patent Center Netherlands
Intellectual Property
The intellectual property database for the Netherlands allows you to search by title, number or applicant. If you click on the publication number, you can see the applicant, inventor, and their addresses.
land π︎ π³︎ π︎
You can search the Dutch cadaster by address or use the map and purchase sales, mortgage and ownership documents. Information on boats is available as well.
New Zealand — 4
Companies Office
corporate π︎
New Zealand companies register Available: detailed company information available for free. You can search companies, directors and shareholders of the entities that are registered or removed from the registry.
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment
corporate π︎
The Official website of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment of New Zealand contains a range of data, statistics, modelling, research and analytical papers. Next to this, the website offers a document library with a filtered search to all the documents stored on the MBIE website. You can search by document type, date it was published, topic and subtopic and keywords.
New Zealand Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The NZX Equity Market (NZSX) is the premier market for NZX's listed equities and funds in New Zealand. List of issuers and company reports are available.
Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Intellectual Property π︎
Official website of New Zealand Intellectual Property Office is free of charge search engine where you can search trademarks, patents, designs, plant variety rights and geographical indicators. You can search by case number, IP application number, status, date or client name.
Nicaragua — 7
Bolsa de Valores de Nicaragua
Financial statements and prospectus for issuers are available.
Nicaragua Compra
corporate π︎
State providers. Online search enabled by name or category. To search by company name, enter:
La Gaceta
gazette π︎
The official Gazette of Nicaragua publishes daily and is available for download. The Gazette Finder does not always work, but it can be used here:
DirecciΓ³n General de Ingresos
government π︎ π︎
Page for companies' tax returns. Company information is not available. Large Taxpayer listings are available without registration.
Intellectual Property Registry (RPI) Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade (MIFIC)
government π︎
General information about the Intellectual Property Registry (RPI) and the Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade (MIFIC)
Registros PΓΊblicos de la Propiedad Inmueble y Mercantil
land π︎
Public Property Registries (search is not available)
Niger — 2
Directory of Companies
government π︎
Institut National de la Statistique du Niger website provides access to statistical publications released by a number of the country's governmental ministries. The latest publications are from 2016.
Juricaf (Niger)
legal π︎
Juricaf contains decisions from Niger's Supreme Court, Court of Cassation, Zinder Court of Appeal, Niamey Court of Appeal, and Niamey Court of First Instance. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Nigeria — 8
Corporate Affairs Commission
corporate π︎
Nigeria's Corporate Affairs Commission website offers a search by company name to get basic company information, such as registration number, address and date of registration.
Nigeria Internet Registration Association
NiRA is the registry for .ng Internet Domain Names and maintains the database of names registered in the .ng country code Top Level Domain. The NiRA website hosts a WHOIS Search, which allows a search by keyword of a Domain, Contact, Host, or Registrar.
Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture
The NACCIMA website publishes basic information on corporate members, such as address, contact, and name of managing director, as well as information about other chambers of commerce around the country.
Nigerian Stock Exchange
The NSE website contains a database of listed companies, bonds, and funds, as well as corporate disclosures from all listed companies. It also hosts a searchable Dealing Member Directory, which provides basic information on dealing members, such as status, address, contact, and date of incorporation.
Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics
government π︎
The NBS oversees and publishes statistics for Nigeria. The website contains downloadable reports on important metrics in the country, such as industry specific price watches, GDP reports, CPI and inflation reports, etc.
Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation
government π︎
The Secretary to the Government of the Federation coordinates and monitors the implementation of government policies and programmes. The website hosts a number of resources on government activities, such as policies, circulars and treaties.
CommonLII (Nigeria)
The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute provides free access to core legal information from Commonwealth and Common Law jurisdictions. It has a database of decisions by the Special Court of Nigeria from 1921-2002. The database is not complete.
Supreme Court of Nigeria
legal π︎
The Supreme Court website publishes a small collection of judgements from 1961 to 2012.
Niue — 1
Companies Office
corporate π︎
The Companies Register of Niue is an electronic register where company information and documents can be viewed online. There are three options available to you for conducting a search - number, standard name and keyword search. This register allows you to locate companies that are currently incorporated as well as those removed from the register.
North Macedonia — 4
Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia (CRM)
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
Official business registry of North Macedonia. Basic company information is available online. Payment and registration required. Available in Macedonian only.
Macedonian Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Stock Exchange contains the list of issuers and their financial reports. Available in English.
Securities and Exchange Commission
corporate π︎
List of all issued securities and reports including companies with special reporting obligations. Available in English.
State Office of Industrial Property (SOIP)
Intellectual Property π︎
SOIP contains patent, trademark and industrial design databases. Search is available by the name of the owner, inventor or keyword or other criteria. Available in English.
Norway — 5
corporate π³︎ π︎
Cadastral, company, due diligence and other information are available on this third-party website. The search engine works by looking for an address and then buying information about real estate, registered company, building map, cadastral information, and more/
corporate π³︎ π︎
A third-party website that creates a map of connections and relations between company board members, managing directors and stock owners etc. Without an account you can still see some basic company information such as management, address and sector.
The BrΓΈnnΓΈysund Register Centre Company Search
corporate π︎ π︎
You can find basic company information and announcements for free but in order to download filed documents, you need to register and some of the documents need to be bought. Once logged in, many of the documents are available for free and contain information such as ownership and management.
The BrΓΈnnΓΈysund Register Centre Gazette
gazette π︎
The business registry gazette allows you to look for company names and numbers in all the gazette entries. You will find registry entries, annual accounts, board and auditor reports.
Patentstyret (Norwegian Industrial Property Office)
Intellectual Property π︎
Norway's industrial patent office has a database of trademarks, patents and registered designs. The results will give you basic company information of the patent owners.
oceania — 1
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
A searchable database of court cases, and decisions in the Pacific Islands region: includes courts from Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.
Oman — 6
Knowledge Oasis Muscat
The Knowledge Oasis Muscat is Oman's first technology mark, established in 2003. It's website publishes a directory of all companies housed there, including a short description, contact info and website.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry- Search Commercial Registration
corporate π︎
The official website for Oman's Ministry of Commerce and Industry hosts a searchable database of companies registered there. Users can search by company number or name in English or Arabic, and search results yield basic information, such as status, legal form, registration date and business area.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry- Search Public Announcements
corporate π︎
The official website for Oman's Ministry of Commerce and Industry hosts a searchable database of published public announcements for the commercial registrations. Users can search by announcement type, time period and phrase.
Muscat Securities Market
The Muscat Securities Market is the only stock exchange in Oman. The website hosts a searchable database of listed and delisted companies with detailed information such as equity profiles, news updates, financial reports (which include shareholder information), and names of board members.
Oman Official Gazette
gazette π︎
The Ministry of Legal Affairs publishes Oman's official gazette, which includes information on patents, business liquidations and other commercial announcements.
Oman Tender Board
government π︎
The Oman Tender Board publishes up to date tender announcements, as well as a searchable database of registered companies, which includes the company name, number, address, type and registered category.
Pakistan — 4
Karachi Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
A search by three-letter company symbol yields basic company information for listed entities.
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
corporate π︎ π︎
A basic company search by name is available. Registration with a national ID is required.
Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan)
Intellectual Property π︎
The government intellectual property office of Pakistan has online publications for trademarks and patents but these cannot be searched as of January 2020. On the website, it says that search options are coming soon.
Customs Today
Downloadable lists of bills of lading for Pakistani imports going back to 2014 are available.
Palau — 1
Supreme Court of Palau
The Supreme Court of Palau has court decisions that are searchable from 1994-2019.
Panama — 10
Bolsa de Valores de PanamΓ‘
Official website for the Panama Stock Exchange. The "Puestos Miembros" menu includes a list of the biggest publicly shared companies in Panama. You can see representatives, contact information, links to official websites and addresses.
Bolsa de Valores de PanamΓ‘
Infomarine is a shipping database. You can search it by ship name, IMO number, MMSI, ship type, flag, class, builder, engine, owner, manager. You can also search for companies by name, country, town and type of marine business they conduct.
Dan O'Huiginn scrape of the Panama Public Registry
A free online database that collects company information from the official Panamanian company registry and makes it searchable by officer's name.
A database based on Panamanian public data that you can search by company name or company's official. It gives overviews of entities in the public data as well as uploaded original documents. More detailed information is available if you register for an account.
Public Company Register of Panama
corporate π︎ π︎
The official Panama company registry which has the original company registration documents, among others, which will tell you ownership and management.
Gaceta oficial
gazette π︎
You can download Panama's official gazette which includes all the presidential decrees.
ProcuradurΓa de la AdministraciΓ³n
gazette π︎
InfoJuridica has an online database of gazettes that can be searched by gazette number. For 2019 entries, the numbers are around 28700. They include laws and decrees but also company registrations. The PDFs are not searchable.
Agency for Investment Attraction and Export Promotion of Panama
Intellectual Property π︎
ProInvex provides data for foreign investors such as economic overviews and guidelines.
Court Registry
Search for court cases by attorney, case number or party name. You can narrow down the search query by kind of court and the results are lists of original documents.
Autoridad Maritima de Panama
transport π︎
The Maritime Authority of Panama has various databases you can search. Under "Consultas en LΓnea," you can search for certificates of ships by looking up IMOs, for example.
Papua New Guinea — 2
Intellectual Property Office of Papua New Guinea (IPOPNG)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Papua New Guinea Intellectual Property Office offers information on intellectual property, copyright, trademarks, and other information. The website links to the Worldwide Intellectual Property Office database for searches as well as the IPPNG search.
Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea
A searchable list of Supreme Court judgements from 1930-2019.
Paraguay — 8
Bolsa de Valores y Productos de AsunciΓ³n
corporate π︎
The Stock Market of Paraguay allows a search of listed companies by symbol. Registration required.
DirecciΓ³n Nacional de Contrataciones
corporate π︎
A searchable government database of all public procurements with detailed information.
Under Secretary of State Taxation
corporate π︎ π︎
This database requires a registration to search a database of state tax information, including tax-paying entities.
Ministerio de Hacienda
corporate π︎
A commercial registry of tax-paying entities can be searched by name or RUC number.
Gaceta Oficial
gazette π︎
The most recent five publications of the official gazette are available online, and archived publications are available via search.
SecretarΓa de la FunciΓ³n PΓΊblica
government π︎
A database of "open data" regarding public services and information on public servants.
DirecciΓ³n Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (DINAP)
Intellectual Property π︎
The government intellectual property website offers information on legislation related to intellectual property and trademarks, and links to the external WIPO database for searches.
Corte Suprema de Justicia
land π︎
The Supreme Court website does not have an online search. The commercial registry is located here where information on companies is available as well as land titles and court cases, in-person requests only.
Peru — 11
Bolsa de Valores de Lima
Search for the companies by name on Lima Stock Exchange. The website provides corporate and some financial information, including people involved.
Lima Stock Exchange
View all traded companies from the following sectors: Agriculture, Mining, Banks, Diversified, Services, and Industry.
Registro Nacional de Proveedores
A searchable list of public procurements. You can search by registration number (RUC), type, or title.
Superintendencia de Aduanas y AdministraciΓ³n Tributaria
corporate π︎
Search for company by tax number (RUC), individual identification number or business name. Results include basic company details, historical information, probationary minutes, debts, invoices, list of legal representatives, tax omissions and number of employees.
Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores
corporate π︎
Search all listed companies by company name in the search bar; results include contact info, shareholders, directors, economic information, legal issues, sanctions, and other detailed information.
Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y AdministraciΓ³n Tributaria
corporate π︎
A database of companies, persons (diplomatic or other) that have an import/export license. Results include an overview, number of employees, fiscal reports, legal representation, annexes, tax emissions, evidentiary proceedings.
Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros PΓΊblicos
The Peru National database of companies is searchable by symbol, name, or category.
University of Peru Business Database
The University of Peru has compiled/scraped the business registry and you can search by name for Peruvian companies and retrieve basic company info, including contact info, names associated with the entity, registration numbers. An interesting aspect is people can leave comments and reviews of each company.
Gaceta JurΓdica
gazette π︎
The Official Judicial Gazette is accessible only via VPN, and contains daily judicial notices.
INDECOPI - National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection
Intellectual Property π︎
One of three services offered by this government body - this one is intellectual property. The other two services allow the user to search complaints and court cases regarding intellectual property rights.
National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI)
Intellectual Property π︎
The search engine for Indecopi includes intellectual property, consumer protection and tribunal resolutions. The intellectual properties search engine includes keyword search, so you can search by company name, and will return patent requests and disputes, for example.
Philippines — 2
Securities and Exchange Commission Philippines
corporate π︎
A basic search of registered companies is available,
Intellectual Property Office of Philippines (IPOPHIL)
Intellectual Property π︎
The Philippines Intellectual Property office allows an online search of intellectual property licenses in the country.
Poland — 4
Warsaw Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
A search for basic company information is available by company symbol, in Polish.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Polish business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Patent Office
Intellectual Property π︎
The Polish Patent Office has a searchable database of trademarks, inventions, industrial designs, and patent attorneys.
Portugal — 3
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Portuguese business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as legislation behind it.
Government of Portugal
corporate π︎
An e-service for business searches hosted by the government of Portugal. Search for companies by name, director, services, and news.
Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property Ministry of Justice
Intellectual Property π︎
This Portuguese government website offers a search of intellectual property (trademarks, copyright).
Puerto Rico — 1
Registry of Corporations
corporate π︎
Available: search for company name or number with basic company information
regional-africa — 13
Yellow Pages of Africa
The Yellow Pages of Africa is an unofficial directory of more than 150,000 companies across Africa. It is searchable by name and type of business, and can be filtered by country.
East Africa Business Directory
The EABC published the East African Business Directory focusing on businesses in East Africa. Company profiles include address, contact information, conttact person name and a short description.
A project by Laws.Africa and AfricanLII, the Gazettes.Africa website hosts government gazettes for Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Eswatini, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. It also contains
African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) is an intergovernmental organization that facilitates cooperation among member states in intellectual property matters. The website has a regional IP Database, which provides information on patents designs and trademarks in the following member states: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Eswatini, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Gambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ghana.
Organisation Africaine de la PropriΓ©tΓ© Intellectuelle
Intellectual Property π︎
The Organisation Africaine de la PropriΓ©tΓ© Intellectuelle (OAPI) is an intellectual property organization, headquartered in YaoundΓ©, Cameroon. It publishes on its website the official bulletins of patents, brands products and services, industrial designs, trade names, geographical indications and plant varieties.
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
legal π︎
The African Charter established the African Commission on Human and Peoplesβ Rights as a quasi-judicial body tasked with promoting and protecting human rights and collective rights throughout Africa. The website publishes legal resources, soft law instruments, resolutions and other publications related to human rights law in Africa.
The African Legal Information Institute is a programme of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit at the Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town. The website provides a Pan-African legal search engine and hosts regional legal materials for free access.
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Court of Justice Decisions
legal π︎
This database contains decisions arising from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Court of Justice. This database is updated from data obtained from the Court website on a periodic basis. The database contains documennts from 2001-2003.
legal π︎
LegisPalop is a legal database of legislation, jurisprudence and doctrines from Lusophone countries in Africa: Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, and Sao Tome and Principe. You can register for free to conduct a simple search of listings, or pay for a subscription to access all system features.
East African Court of Justice
legal π︎
This database contains decisions of the East African Court of Justice at Arusha. Database was last updated on 16 August 2012 and the documents range from 2006.
ECOWAS Court of Justice
legal π︎
The ECOWAS Court of Justice is an organ of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a regional integration community of 15 member states in West Africa. The website provides a list of upcoming cases in the court, and downloadable documents from previous cases. The text is not searchable, but you can search by case title, suit number, and year.
NGO/International Organization
sourceAFRICA is a platform where African NGOs and newspapers upload primary source documents. It offers a public repository of such documents that anyone can search. Contributing organizations include African Network of Centers for Investigative Reporting, The Elephant, Mail and Guardian and the Parliamentary Monitoring Group.
Africa Legal Network
NGO/International Organization
ALN is an alliance of corporate law firms currently in fifteen African jurisdictions, including Algeria, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The website includes news alerts on legal updates in the countries that they cover.
regional-european-union — 10
EU Interconnected Insolvency Register
corporate π︎
The EU Insolvency Registers interconnection search interface is part of the European e-Justice Portal. It allows you to search for insolvent entities, either natural or legal persons, within the EU.
European Commision E-Justice
The European Commission's overview of European business registries, including links to the registries, descriptions of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
This commercial service has various European market data packages available, ranging from internet services to cash market data. It is directed at investors.
European Business Registry
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The European Business Registry Association website has a list of 22 country members and links to their ministry websites.
Official Journal of the European Union
gazette π︎
A searchable database of notices published in the EU Official Journal, including legislation. Available in official EU languages.
EU Official Journal
gazette π︎
This database of European Union Law entries in the Official Journal of the EU can be searched by year, month, legislation, information and notices
EU Open Data Portal
government π︎
This database of the EU includes sanctions lists, public procurement lists, and other information from datasets provided by various EU government bodies including the Central Bank, various Commissions, Parliament, and the Council of the European Union.
government π︎
This European Commission Statistical data is available free of charge. The data contains many indicators (short-term, structural, theme-specific and others) on the EU-27 and the euro-zone, the Member States and their partners.
European Union Intellectual Property Office
Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
The European Union Intellectual Property Office is the EU Agency responsible for the registration of the EU trade mark and the registered Community design. The website allows a search of trademarks, designs, owners, representatives and bulletins, as well as EU and national case law.
EU Court of Justice
legal π︎
The EU Court of Justice database search engine can search cases by party name, law provision, country, case number, keywords, attorney and more.
Romania — 5
Bucharest Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Bucharest Stock Exchange offers basic information about listed companies, searchable by company ticker.
European Commision E-Justice (Romania)
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Romanian business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Ministry of Justice
corporate π︎ π︎
Limited online search for companies is available. Full records are only available in person at the registry.
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks
Intellectual Property π︎
A link to the Romanian intellectual property database as well as several external databases for intellectual property searches can be found under the e - OSIM tab.
Romania Company and Insolvency Search
legal π︎ π︎
An account is required to do a company search. Some free information includes registration date, status of the company, registration number, and county. Besides company registration information, you can also access the Insolvency Bulletin and search names for free.
Russian Federation — 12
corporate π³︎ π︎
A database with some public companies that provides annual reports, affiliate lists and financial documents.
Enquiry Service of Legal Entities
corporate π³︎
A commercial database with the ability to purchase official information for a company, some extra details and financial metrics.
Federal Service for Financial Market
corporate π︎
A list of financial companies (mostly banks) with their beneficiaries
Federal Tax Authority
corporate π︎
State database of companies, which provides the ability to search for any business in Russia by the company name, INN or OGRN.
Interfax disclosure
A database with some public companies that provides annual reports, affiliate lists and financial documents.
A database with some public companies that provides annual reports, affiliate lists and financial documents.
SPARK Interfax
corporate π³︎ π︎
Commercial database which provides a lot of information about companies (collecting it from official sources). Usually it has owners, CEO, connections, financial reports, court cases and much more.
Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT)
Intellectual Property π︎
The official website of the Russian Patent Office provides the ability to search for patent attorneys.
land π︎ π³︎ π︎
Search for the property by the address. Available for Russian citizens.
Federal Service of Court Bailiffs
legal π︎
A database of Russian citizens who have any court depts. Searchable by the name.
legal π︎
Official web-site of Russian Arbitrage. Provides the ability to search by the name (of person or a company). And gives the access to decisions and documents.
legal π︎
A web-site that collects different court cases and provides documents. Available only with Russian IP.
Rwanda — 1
Government Gazette of Rwanda
gazette π︎
The online gazette offers downloads of gazette publications from 2017 to 2019, archived materials can be purchased. Legislative decisions, and government annual reports are also available.
Saint Lucia — 2
Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property (ROCIP)
corporate π︎ π︎
The Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property (ROCIP) is a website which enables you to search for registered companies by company name or company number. Next to this, you can search for the registration of business names, incorporation of companies, registration of external companies, and post-incorporation filings.
Registry of International Business Companies and International Trusts (Pinnacle)
corporate π︎
This is the official website of the Saint Lucia International Financial Centre. This jurisdiction provides absolute confidentiality of shareholders, directors and officers. Only the registered agent and the registered office are public records. You can search by name, IBC Incorporation, or name reservation. The Name Search and Public OA/LRA Information are free services.
Samoa — 2
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labor
corporate π︎
A government database of registered companies, with available director and shareholder search, with results detailing company information, registration date, filings, shareholder name, and date of appointment.
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute - Supreme Court of Samoa
A directory of Supreme Court rulings from 1980-2019 is available and sorted by year.
San Marino — 3
Economic Development Agency Registry of Companies
corporate π︎
The Economic Development Agency of San Marino has an online Registry of Companies that allows a search by company name. Results include company address, type, status and a list of documents filed with the registry (balance sheets and Chamber of Commerce survey). You must create an account to access the documents.
Official Bulletin of San Marino
gazette π︎
It is possible to search the San Marino government gazette either by Official Bulletin, indicating the month and year of interest, or by individual document, indicating the year and keyword contained in the title.
Central Bank of San Marino
government π︎
The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino is the supervisory authority for the country's financial system. On its website you can find the register of group parent companies, authorized parties, insurance and reinsurance intermediaries, financial promoters, and the role of authorized trustees.
Sao Tome and Principe — 2
Banco Central S. TomΓ© e Principe
government π︎
The official website for the Central Bank of Sao Tome and Principe contains lists of registered banking institutions, insurance companies, and currency exchanges. It provides additional information on the institutions such as name of executive representative, license date, share capital, activity type, and contact information.
Juricaf (Sao Tome et Principe)
Juricaf contains only four decisions from Sao Tome and Principe's Supreme Court from 2004-2006. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Senegal — 4
Business Creation Support Bureau
corporate π︎
The Senegalese Business Creation Support Bureau (BCE) website gives you access to the database of legal notices. You can search for any company that has been established in Senegal using the company's RC, NINEA, Name, Location, Headquarters, Legal Form, Main Activity, or Year of Creation. Results are inconsistent, but may include the company's capital, name of partners and directors, and number and nominal value of shares subscribed in cash, among other details.
Official Company Registry - "Camera Inregistrarii de Stat" (CIS)
gazette π︎
The website of the Journal Officiel du Senegal provides access to issues of the government gazette for the period 2001 - 2011.
Portail des MarchΓ©s publics du SΓ©nΓ©gal
government π︎
The Senegalese government posts tender opportunities and award notices on the Portail des MarchΓ©s publics. You can also find a red list of companies excluded from the right to compete for public contracts.
Juricaf (Senegal)
Juricaf contains decisions from Senegal's Court of Cassation from the period 1993-2007. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Serbia — 11
Belgrade Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Lists of issuers, members, basic company information, company reports and news. English version available.
Central Securities Depository and Clearing House
corporate π︎
Lists of issuers, company reports and overview of ownership structure of joint stock companies. Search by the name or ID number of a company. Full list of shareholders is provided. English version available.
Ministry of Economy
corporate π︎
Website of Serbian Ministry of Economy provides information on companies in privatization and privatized companies. Available in English.
National Bank of Serbia
corporate π︎
Registry of all authorized financial institutions, companies and its accounts, registry of debtors in enforced collection. English version available.
Public Procurements Registry
corporate π︎
Database of public tenders and public contracts. Search is available by the name or ID number of contracting authorities, name or ID number of suppliers, the subject of procurement or type of procurement procedure, time frame and more. Search is available when at least three parameters are chosen. English version available.
Securities Commission
corporate π︎
Broker-Dealer Companies, Authorized Banks, Custody Banks, Investment Fund Management Companies, Investment Funds. English version available.
Serbian Business Registers Agency
corporate π︎
Serbian business registry agency provides searches on companies, entrepreneurs, financial reports, financial leasing, pledges, media companies, associations, construction permits and others. You can search for companies by company name or ID number. Detailed current and historical information is provided. An English version available.
Serbian White Pages
Online phonebook of state telecom company Telekom Serbia. Search is available by the name of person, the address and also by the phone number. Available in Serbian only.
Anti-Corruption Agency Serbia (ACAS)
government π︎
Serbian anti-corruption agency website shows data on property and income of state officials. Search is available by official's name. ACAS's registry contains also information on political parties funding. English version available.
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
Intellectual Property π︎
Online databases of patents, trademarks and intellectual property applications. It is searchable by the number of registrations, keyword and registrant. English version is available.
Serbian Courts Registry
legal π︎
Database of court cases in Serbia at all levels. Search is available by case number. Available in Serbian only.
Seychelles — 3
Business Registry
land π︎
Can do a name search, which will then give you the registry number, entity type, and business activity. You need to use a VPN for the UK in order to access the site.
legal π︎
The Seychelles Legal Information Institute website hosts decisions by the Court of Appeal, Constitutional Court, and Supreme Court. It also publishes Laws of Seychelles, Numbered Acts, Statutory Instruments, Government Notices and Proclamations.
Sierra Leone — 4
Office of the Administrator and Registrar General
corporate π︎
The Office of the Administrator & Registrar General is Sierra Leone's company registration system. The website has an online business name availability search, but doesn't provide any detailed company information.
Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture is an association of local and international entrepreneurs and enterprises operating in Sierra Leone. The chamber's official website has a searchable directory of members that provides business name, address, sector, name of contact person and their role, contact number, email and website.
CommonLII (Sierra Leone)
The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute provides free access to core legal information from Commonwealth and Common Law jurisdictions. It has a database of decisions of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (2003-2015), as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
The Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone
legal π︎
The Special Court for Sierra Leone was set up to address serious crimes against civilians and UN peacekeepers committed during the country's civil war (1991-2002). After its closure in 2013, the Residual Special Court of Sierra Leone was set up to continue the court's legal obligations, including witness protection, supervision of prison sentences, and management of the court's archives. The website provides access to transcripts and official records for all completed cases.
Singapore — 5
corporate π︎
Bizfile is an online directory for corporate paperwork in Singapore. The site allows a search by company name to obtain basic company information, and a search by an individual's name or ID to check if the individual's corporate interests in Singapore. To get more information you will need to create an account with a national ID.
Singapore Inland Revenue
corporate π︎
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is responsible for administering taxation in Singapore. The registered business search allows users to search businesses in Singapore registered for the Goods and Services Tax. The registered individual search allows a search of individuals and indicates sole-proprietorship businesses they own that are registered for the Goods and Services Tax, which is mandatory for all businesses with a turnover of more than US$ 1 million per year.
Singapore Government Electronic Gazette
gazette π︎ π³︎ π︎
Intellectual Property Decisions in Singapore
A database of Singapore Intellectual Property Office decisions from 1999-2011.
Supreme Court of Singapore
legal π︎
This database contains selected decisions from the Supreme Court of Singapore - High Court. Decisions are available from 2000 onwards. The database was last updated on 31 August 2019.
Slovakia — 8
Bratislava Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Bratislava Stock Exchange has a list of issuers, basic company information and financial reports for some companies available for download.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Slovakian business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as legislation behind it.
Ministry of Justice - Business Register
corporate π︎
Official business register of Ministry of Justice of the Slovakia Republic. You can search for information by business name, identification number, registered seat, registration number or name of a person related to the company or other entity.
It gives you information about companies and entrepreneurs. Additionally, you are presented with the links between them, economic results, financial statements, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, debts. The website aggregates data from the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak tax authorities, general health insurance, Journal procurement and other databases.
Visual Business Register
corporate π︎
This Business Register website is providing listings of individual companies registered in the register. You can search by business name or the name of a legal representative, identification number, registered office or by a file number. Additionally, it provides you with infographic representation of the company and its connections from Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Intellectual Property π︎
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is a central state administration body operating in the field of industrial property protection. This official website has an external registry database with basic and advanced type of search. You can look in to patents, designs, trademarks, utility models, European patents with SK designation and supplementary protection certificates.
Ministry of Justice - Court Records
legal π︎
Official government website which provides access to court judgments and decisions. You can search courts and decisions and registers depending on what information you need. The registry holds information about assistance to victims, permanent arbitration, mediators, courts, institution etc.
Open Courts
This website provides you with a transparent look in to the judicial system of Slovakia. The information available refers re-indexed data from the Ministry of Justice on court decisions, hearings, profiles of judges and other useful judicial information.
Slovenia — 12
Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES)
corporate π︎ π︎
Official Slovenian company registry is free to access but registration is required. Search is available by the name or ID number of the company for all company types and it gives detailed and historical information. At AJPES, more information is available in Slovenian language compared to the English version. Options in the upper menu: eRTR - data on bank accounts of companies (open, closed) JOLP - annual reports of companies eOBJAVE - insolvency cases w/supporting documentation.
Central Securities Clearing Corporation
corporate π︎
The list of issuers and securities available. Available in English.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Slovenian business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Gvin (Commercial business registry of Bisnode)
corporate π³︎ π︎
Search by names of directors/shareholders. Offers all the financial data from annual reports (incl. for years before 2008/2009, which are usually the earliest years you get annual reports for at Ajpes). Info on tax payments, ongoing lawsuits and credit ratings (the latter is a payable service of Ajpes). If a company changed its name, Ajpes would return no results, while Gvin would detect it and put you through to the "new" company. Offers all available documents in one place (except those you can find only at the court register - memorandum/articles of association, insolvency reports, statute). You can click on the address of a company and see what other companies are registered there. Registration and payment required.
Info Storage
corporate π︎
Contains the list of issuers and the list of securities with company contact information.
Ljubljana Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Search by company name with basic company information. Available in Slovenian.
Anti Corruption Commission's search engine Erar
government π︎
Erar shows how public money is spent. It contains information on all financial transactions of government bodies, public institutions and others which spend public money. It is free and no registration needed. Available in Slovenian.
Ministry of Finance
government π︎
Periodically publishes data on companies that owe tax. Available in Slovenian.
Office for Money Laundering Prevention
government π︎
Available: periodical reporting on bank and other transactions with companies in offshore jurisdictions (downloadable spreadsheets). The obliged entities referred must forward to the Office information on the following: - cash transactions exceeding 30.000 EUR (except auditing companies, independent auditors and legal and natural persons performing accounting and tax advisory services) - transactions or clients in connection with whom there exist reasons to suspect money laundering or terrorist financing. Lawyers, law firms and notaries are obliged to forward to the Office information on: transactions or clients in connection with whom there exist reasons to suspect money laundering or terrorist financing.
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Intellectual Property π︎
Searchable database of patents and trademarks. Available in Slovenian.
Cadastre Office
land π︎ π︎
Useful when you have an address but not the cadastral number. Use this site to identify the particle number so that more detailed data can be obtained from the Land Register. Registration and digital certificate required.
Supreme Court Republic of Slovenia
land π︎ π︎
Land registry searchable by a particle number. Available in Slovenian.
South Africa — 6
Department of Trade and Industry
corporate π︎
No online search is available, but per request this department could provide information on entrepreneurs, small and medium companies.
Company and Intellectual Property Commission
corporate, Intellectual Property π︎
Registration of Companies, Co-operatives and Intellectual Property Rights (Trade Marks, Patents, Designs and Copyright) in South Africa. In the CIPC eServices System, you can search for companies in the register using company name, enterprise number or director ID/passport number. Results include enterprise type, status, registration date, address, list of directors, list of filed annual returns and enterprise history.
Government Gazette of South Africa
gazette π︎
A searchable online version of the official Gazette from 2004-2019.
Open Gazette South Africa
Open Gazettes is the largest freely available online collection of gazettes in South Africa.
SAFLII (South Africa)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website contains the National and Provincial Gazettes, Municipal By-laws, National Legislation, and documents from a large number of South African Courts, Tribunals and Journals.
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
legal π︎
A list of judgements from 2000-2019 is available and individual judgements can be viewed.
South Sudan — 1
Republic of South Sudan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
government π︎
The official website for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning of South Sudan publishes official documents, such as budgets and laws and regulations.
Spain — 10
ComisiΓ³n Nacional del Mercado de Valores
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
A keyword search yields detailed company information for fees between 2 and 9 Euros; All the information this public organization collects is then published in BORME - the official bulletin of the Registro Mercantil.
corporate π³︎ π︎
A third-party database of Spanish companies that allows for searches by company name, individual name or registration number. You can purchase a profile, which includes company contact details, involved individuals, latest balance sheets deposited and BORME acts in which companies appear. The database pulls from the following sources: BORME (Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry), Deposits of official accounts, BOE (Official State Gazette), Official bulletins of both Autonomous Communities and Provinces, National and Regional Press.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
The European Commission's overview of the Spanish business registry includes links to the registry, a description of how to search and what can be found, as well as the legislation behind it.
This third-party database that has a lot of information for free, including information that is behind a paywall on other third-party websites. You can see directors, shareholders, business gazette entries, associated companies, address, date of incorporation. Every entity can be clicked on so you can see what other companies the shareholders own as well, for example.
Registro Mercantil Central
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
The Mercantile Register offers company information from 1990 onward that varies from limited to detailed. There is an option to register temporarily so you can look for documents without needing an account but you need a Spanish tax number.
Registrars of Spain
corporate, land π︎ π³︎ π︎
Registradores is a database that sells land title and company information from Spain but requires an account. To create an account you need to be a Spanish citizen.
BoletΓn Oficial del Estado
gazette π︎ π︎
The website for the Spanish Company Gazette has its publications online but they can only be searched by date, not by company.
BoletΓn Oficial del Estado
gazette π︎ π︎
Here you can sign up for notifications when a company publishes changes in the Spanish Official Gazette.
Spanish Patent and Trademark Office
Intellectual Property π︎
This online database of Spanish patents and trademarks includes address information on the entities that filed the applications.
Consejo General del Poder Judicial
legal π︎ π³︎
The portal for judicial information in Spain lets you search judgements from various courts and tribunals in the country by using variety of search options such as jurisdiction, location, resolution number and keywords.
Sri Lanka — 1
National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka
Intellectual Property π︎
Sri Lanka's Intellectual Property Office website has application forms and regulation documents but no searchable database of intellectual property.
Sudan — 2
Department of Commercial Registrations
corporate π︎
Company name search. Only seems to work in Arabic.
Registrar General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Justice
Intellectual Property π︎
Information about intellectual property in Sudan.
Sweden — 5
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the Swedish business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found, as well as legislation behind it.
Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket)
corporate π︎ π³︎
Search by company name and then you can buy filed documents such as registration, annual accounts, and articles of association. The annual accounts have contained shareholder information. Registration documents have had limited information.
Swedish Patent and Registration Office (SPRO)
Intellectual Property π︎
The PRV website has databases to look for patents, trademarks and registered designs. It has a library of various databases with advanced search engines.
legal π︎ π³︎
Commercial database of public information about companies and individuals in the Swedish courts (collects official documents).
Switzerland — 10
Central Business Names Index
corporate π︎
The Zefix Central Business Name Index gives you an option to search for company documents based on the company name or number. Additionally, there is an advanced search option to look by canton, seat and legal form of the company.
corporate π︎
This Swiss database for companies and persons is free and offers a variety of available searches by company and person's name. Without registration you will get basic current information and records. As a user you can also visualize the connections. If you want more data you can register for free.
Money House
corporate π︎
Money House is an online company database that is searchable by company name or a person's name. Search results include director names, sometimes shareholders, all the gazette notifications, registered company activity etc. Results for person search include previous employments, connected companies and people. With an account you have access to more information and there are various subscription options.
Swiss Official Gazette
gazette π︎
The official Swiss Gazette of Commerce gives you information about company changes. The Archives page contains all publications dated before 02.09.2018 and the Gazette has publication dated after 02.09.2018. You can get data about commercial register mutations, cancellations, suspension of bankruptcy proceedings and other legal publications.
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property π︎
The IPI is responsible for examining, granting and administering industrial property rights (patents, trademarks and designs). Its online services include the option to download patent documents, which contain enormous amounts of information on companies and technologies.
land is a Swiss online service for finding information about businesses, services and individuals. For search you only need a name, and for more precision a specific location/area where you want the search to be made.
Official Cadastral and Land Register of Switzerland
land π︎
On this website, you have access to property and ownership details by searching for a building and address. To search for property ownership, you need to choose a commune and building number. If you are searching property by address you need at least two consecutive letters of the street name and then you choose the street name and number.
This online phone directory offers you to search by address and phone number for both businesses and private entities. You can use it to identify all companies that are registered at the same location.
Bundesgericht - the supreme court of Switzerland
legal π︎ π︎
In order to access the court records of the Supreme court, you must send a letter requesting journalist accreditation with the institution. Once accreditation is obtained, basic information about ongoing and closed court cases can be accessed online while the Supreme Court provides additional detailed files based on specific case requests.
Bundesstrafgericht - the federal criminal court
legal π︎ π︎
The official website of the Swiss federal criminal court has an online database of cases that is freely accessible. In order to access the complete court records, journalists must send a letter requesting accreditation with the institution. Once accreditation is obtained, the federal criminal court provides detailed files based on specific case requests.
Syrian Arab Republic — 3
Damascus Securities Exchange
corporate π︎
The official website for the Damascus Securities Exchange includes profiles of all companies and issuers listed on the exchange. Company profiles include names of directors, contact information, capital, and disclosures and financial reports available for download.
Syrian Commission on Financial Markets and Securities
government π︎
The SCFMS is responsible for regulation and development of stock exchanges and issuing of securities. The official website includes a collection of disclosure documents from banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms and other entities.
Syrian Bar Association
legal π︎
The offficial website for the Syrian Bar Association contains a list of Syrian laws and decrees tha is searchable by year, number, publication date, title and content.
Taiwan — 8
Department of Commerce- Taiwan Company Search
corporate π︎
The Department of Commerce provides access to commercial and business registration data through its Open Data Service. Users can search by company name (in Chinese) to retrieve the registration number, local registration authority, status, and date of registration. On click through, users can see the company address, capital information and names of legal representatives.
Department of Commerce, MOEA (Taiwan Company Register)
corporate π︎
Users can search for information about companies, branch offices, businesses, factories or limited partnerships in Taiwan on The Department of Commerce Website. Users can search by company name (in Chinese or English) to retrieve the registration number, local registration authority, status, and date of registration. On click through, users can see the company address, capital information and names of legal representatives.
Market Observation Post System
corporate π︎
The Market Observation Post System hosts a database of companies listed on The Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange. Company information includes a fundraising plans, historical registration information, insiders' holding, pledging and transfer of shares, status of the conversion of domestic/overseas securities, statistics on the shareholding by overseas Chinese and investors from China, and employee stock options.
Ministry of Economic Affairs- Bureau of Foreign Trade
corporate π︎
The official website of Taiwan's Bureau of Foreign Trade allows users to search for basic registration data on Exporter/Importer companies. Users can also search by product for export/import using the commodity code or name of product.
Ministry of Finance eTax Portal
corporate π︎
The eTax Portal on the Ministry of Finance website allows users to search by company name in Chinese. Results include company name, number and status.
Taipei Exchange
The Taipei Exchange serves the over-the-counter (OTC) market and bond trading of Taiwan. The website hosts a directory of listed companies. Company profiles include basic company information, including name of the chairman, name and contact of the spokesperson, paid in capital, issued shares, etc. There are also links for obtaining additional information in Chinese.
The Taiwan Stock Exchange
The Taiwan Stock Exchange website provides detailed information on all listed and delisted companies.
Law Bank
Law Bank is a searchable database of Taiwanese laws, legislation, and court cases. The site is only available in Chinese.
Tajikistan — 4
Tax Committee
corporate π︎
Search of private companies, individual entrepreneurs or branches of foreign companies is available by INN number or name in Russian. Results only list company number, registration date and status (active/dissolved). Companies records available by Google domain search.
Centralised Depository of Legal Information of the Republic of Tajikistan
government π︎ π³︎
All the decrees issued by Tajik Government since independence. Partial documents are available on the website, but for the full version you need to have an account.
National Bank of Tajikistan
government π︎
The official website for the National Bank of Tajikistan publishes a list of accredited financial institutions, which includes the names of chairmen and accountants, as well as contact information.
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan
legal π︎
The official website of Tajikistan's Constitutional Court publishes court decisions (only when using the Russian and Tajik versions of the site), as well as newsletters from 2010-2012.
Tanzania, United Republic of — 8
Business Registration and Licensing Agency
corporate π︎
Free search using company name to see its registration number, address and status. You will only get results for companies that have registered in the Online Registration System or transferred their data to the electronic registry. For information about other business names and companies, registered users can request a custom search online.
Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange
The Dar es salaam Stock Exchange website publlishes profiles of the 27 listed companies. Profiles include a company description, charts, company news and press releases, and financial statements.
Tanzania Government Gazette
gazette π︎
Full versions of the Tanzania Government Gazette are available for download on the official government website.
Parliament of Tanzania
government π︎
The Parliament of Tanzania website publishes parliamentary acts, bills, resolutions and proceedings, as well as a list of all current members of parliament. MP profiles include contact information, birthdate, political experience, education history and employment history.
Tanzanian National e-Procurement System
government π︎
The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) runs the Tanzania Tenders Portal, which contains information on general procurement notices, cuurrent tenders, awarded contracts and opened bids.
Business Registrations and Licensing Agency - Ministry of Industry and Trade
Intellectual Property π︎
Users can download Industrial Property Journals published online each month since December 2017.
SAFLII (Tanzania)
The Southern African Legal Information Institute website hosts records from Tanzania's High Court, Court of Appeal, Labour Court, as well as legislation as enacted by the Parliament of Tanzania.
Judiciary of Tanzania
legal π︎ π︎
The official website of Tanzania's Judiciary provides access to cause lists and judgements from the High Court, Court of Appeal, Labour Court, Electoral Coourt and Commercial Courts. The case management system requires a login for access, but the site links to TANZLII, which publishes a number of decisions.
Thailand — 5
Department of Business Development
corporate π︎
Users can search the DBD website by partial company name in English to see a company profile, which includes the company address, registration date, status, names of directors and financial statements.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
The Stock Exchange of Thailand website provides access to listed company information in the form of a periodically updated spreadsheet that can be downloaded.
Royal Thai Government Gazette
gazette π︎
The Royal Thai Government Gazette iis the public journal and newspaper of record in Thailand. It includes company announcements of bankruptcy and registration.
AsianLII (Thailand)
The Asian Legal Information Institute is a legal information database for several countries and territories in Asia. Users can search through legislation, case-law, law reform reports, annd law journals. The Thai library includes documents from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, Thai Legislation, Announcements of the Council for Democratic Reform, as well as decisions from the Constitutional Court (1998-2003), Supreme Court (1994-2003), and the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court (1998-2004).
Case Tracking System
legal π︎
The Innovation Division, Bureau of Information Technology offers a search tool of 277 courts in Thailand. After choosing a court, users can search by case number.
Timor-Leste — 2
Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial
corporate π︎
The Timor-Leste Institute for Business Support publishes an official enterprise directory, which includes company name, district, contact number, sector, and sub sector.
The Timor-Leste eProcurement Portal
government π︎
Users can search all open and awarded tenders by the Government of Timor-Leste.
Togo — 2
Togo Legal Portal
government π︎
Togo's official legal portal is maintained by the Ministry of Justice. It contains full texts of Togolese acts and decrees, as well as decisions and acts of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court.
Juricaf (Togo)
Juricaf contains decisions from the LomΓ© Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and LomΓ© Court of First Instance in Togo. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Tonga — 2
Business Registries Office
corporate π︎
Users can search the register of companies in the Kingdom of Tonga by entity name or identifier. There is also the Role Search option, which allows users to search for individuals in the role of director or shareholder. Company information includes shareholder and director information, as well as contact details.
PacLII (Tonga)
PacLII holds court decision documents for the Tonga Privy Council (1983, 1986 and 1987), Court of Appeal (1991 to the present), Supreme Court (1986 to the present), Magistrate's Court (1986 only) and Land Court (1999 to the present). The institute also holds other legal documents from Tonga, including legislation, law reports, and constitutional instruments.
Trinidad and Tobago — 7
American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago
AmCham T&T represents 300 private sector companies, 25% multinational and 75% national. It publishes a member directory, which includes basic company information such as representative name, industry, and the names of connected member companies.
Companies Registry Online Services
corporate π︎
The Companies Registry Online Services allows users to search the official company registry by keyword. Results return business name, registration number, date of registration, status and address.
Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange is the main stock exchange in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and the largest stock exchange in the Caribbean region by market capitalization. The website publishes profiles of listed companies, which include basic company information, news and reports, stock history, and trade information.
gazette π︎
The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago publishes all government gazettes, which are organized by year of publication.
CommonLII (Trinidad and Tobago)
The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute contains a database of decisions by the Privy Council (1809-2020), Court of Appeal (1996-2016), and the High Court (1997-2016). It also contains a database of legislation passed in the country.
Judiciary of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
legal π︎
The judgement archive on the official website of the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago allows users to search decisions from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and other first instance courts.
The Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago
legal π︎
This database contains the Judgments handed down by the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago since 1965. It also contains some Court of Appeal and High Court Judgments which are related to Industrial Court matters. Users can search the database by part name, judge name, trade dispute number, publication date, or key word.
Tunisia — 5
Bourse de Tunis
The Bourse de Tunis is a stock exchange based in Tunis, Tunisia. It publishes a database of all listed companies. Profiles include basic company information, announcements and press releases, and financial statements.
Registre National des Entreprises
corporate π︎ π︎
The official commercial register in Tunisia supports search by company name (in Latin or Arabic script), tax identification number or trade register number. The physical person search allows users to search by an individual's ID.
Journal Officiel Tunisia
gazette π︎
Issues of the Official Journal of the Government of Tunisia since 1956 can be downloaded as PDF documents in French or Arabic. English summaries are available from 2007.
The National Observatory of the Public Procurements
government π︎
The official website of The National Observatory of the Public Procurements lists all open tenders and regulations.
Juricaf (Tunisia)
Juricaf hosts decisions from Tunisia's Court of Cassation from 2005 to 2019, as well as one decision from the Sfax Court of Appeal from 2011. Juricaf is a database of jurisprudence in French, which provides decisions of supreme courts across the French speaking world. It also provides access to case law from common law countries rendered in French. Advanced Search allows search of full text, as well as business number, general counsel, government commissioner, and more.
Turkey — 5
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
Available: basic company information, directors, owners, previous owners, list of notifications published in gazette, whole profile available for download in PDF format. Option for searching by the name of person (the last option) is available.
Istanbul Precious Metals and Diamond Market
corporate π︎
Available: a list of all authorized companies with basic company information. English version available.
National Electronic Communication System
corporate π︎
Turkish Trade Registry Gazette
gazette π︎ π︎
Basic company information is available, but you have to create an account and login. English version available.
Turkish Patent Institute
Intellectual Property π︎
Online database of trade registries and patents. English version available.
Uganda — 3
Registration and Services Bureau
corporate π︎
Uganda Registration Services bureau allows a basic search that yields limited company information.
Commercial Court of Uganda
A searchable database of Commercial Court decisions from 2000 to 2007.
The Uganda Legal Institute website publishes decisions by tthe Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Commercial Court, Centre for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, as well as Consolidated Laws, Acts as Passed, Bills and Statutory Instruments.
Ukraine — 7
State Enterprise Information Resource Center
corporate π︎
Official registry for Ukrainian companies. Current information about companies available. Historical information is can be bought by Ukrainian citizen (Ukrainian credit card needed).
corporate π³︎ π︎
Commercial database with some details for companies (has the historical information).
Unofficial database of citizens in Russia and Ukraine. Includes names, phone numbers, dates of birth and addresses (should verify with additional sources)
The State Commission for Regulations of Financial Services Markets
government π︎
A registry of all participants on financial market, auditors, banks, commissions, etc.
Ukrainian Public Procurement
government π︎ π︎
A registry of all public procurements. It is searchable be the executive, by the state branch, by the contract number etc.
Unified State Register of Court Decisions
legal π︎
State court rulings available for search by name, case number, or court code (Only with Ukrainian IP)
United Arab Emirates — 17
Abu Dhabi Business Center
corporate π︎
This website by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development includes a search for trade names in English, which will give you the Arabic trade name.
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
You can search members of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce by English name and retrieve basic company information such as address, business activity and register date.
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Commercial Directory
corporate π︎
Search by name, phone number, email address and more (advanced searches available) to find basic information such as address, phone number, and company business activities.
Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
corporate π︎
The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange website includes a registry of participants on the market and company disclosures, including news and press releases of company announcements.
Dubai Airport Freezone
corporate π︎
A listed directory of companies registered with the DAFZ with no additional information.
Dubai Chamber of Commerce
corporate π︎
Trade name search in English and a directory of companies that are members of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.
Dubai Department of Economic Development
corporate π︎ π︎
Registry can be searched by business activity, trade name, license information and transaction status in English and Arabic.
Dubai Financial Services Authority
corporate π︎
The Dubai Financial Services Authority website has a limited online register, which does not include all companies registered in Dubai. For the companies that are included, you can get basic company information, such as date of registration, contact information, authorized individuals, and regulatory action information, if available. There is also an option to search by individuals.
Dubai International Financial Centre
corporate π︎
The directory is searchable by name and will return director, shareholder, secretary, shares information, and address.
Dubai Jebel Ali Freezone
corporate π︎
Directory of clients that is searchable by name and will return contact information, website and business activity.
Dubai Multi Commodities Center
corporate π︎ π︎
Directory of companies registered with the Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC) with address and occasionally contact information and business hours.
Fujairah Ali Free Zone
corporate π︎
Phone and fax number directory for companies registered with the Fujairah Ali Free zone.
Hamriyah Freezone Authority
corporate π︎
Directory of companies registered with the Hamriyah Free zone Authority.
Ministry of Economy
corporate π︎
You can search the UAE Ministry of Economy website by Arabic or English name for basic company information. It is one of the more complete registries for the UAE. It's a good resource for finding the Arabic version of a company name to help conduct further research.
Sharjah Economic Development Department - License Search
corporate π︎
Search for companies registered with the Sharjah Economic Development to retrieve trade name in English or Arabic, company status, registration number and associated contact details.
Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry
corporate π︎
The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry website allows a search by name and activity, and results include company address, business activity, and sometimes more contact information such as phone number or email address.
Department of Industrial Property Ministry of Economy
Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
The National Economic Registry (limited information) includes a search engine for companies by name (English or Arabic), local license number, or economic registration number. The results include basic company information, such as address and phone number. You can also look up economic activities with activity code or name.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — 13
Companies House
corporate π︎
You can search the UK business registry by company name or number for registered address and date of incorporation, current and resigned officers, document images, mortgage charge data, previous company names, and insolvency information.
Companies In The UK
Available: basic information about companies + the number of companies registered at a certain address.
corporate π︎
Available: active and dissolved companies search with detailed information on directors and financials. For most companies current shareholder information is also available. Original documents are also available for purchase.
European Commision E-Justice
corporate π︎
European Commission overview of the UK business registry, including links to the registry, description of how to search and what can be found as well as legislation behind it.
Jersey Financial Services Commission
corporate π︎ π³︎
Search bar for company searches by name or registry number, will return an overview of available original documents such as registration certificates, financial documents, etc.
London Stock Exchange
corporate π︎
Available: list of issuers, detailed company information and reports
The Financial Services Register
government π︎
The Financial Services Register is a public record that shows details of firms, individuals and other bodies that are, or have been, regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and/or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It also has information on firms regulated by the Financial Services Authority that had cancelled or stopped being regulated before April 2013. Information on firms includes contact details, trading names and other basic information. You can also search the Register for people that work in an authorized firm and perform tasks that have been approved by the FCA or PRA.
Intellectual Property Office Information Centre
Intellectual Property π︎
Intellectual property information and databases such as trademarks, patents, copyright, etc.
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
A searchable database of British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.
HM Courts & Tribunals Public Search & Office Copies
legal π︎ π³︎ π︎
A searchable database of UK court records. Payment and registration required.
Tribunals Judiciary
legal π︎
A searchable database of UK Administrative Appeals Decisions up until December 2015. You can search by date, case, or category, or view the most recent decisions.
UK Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions
legal π︎
Find decisions on appeals to the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber), including social security and child support appeals from January 2016 onward.
United States of America — 64
Alaska Dept. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
corporate π︎
A simple search by name or entity number yields companies, trademarks, and non-profit corporations registered in Alaska. Basic information, listed officials, and downloadable documents are available.
Alabama Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Alabama Secretary of State allows a search by company name, number, registry agent, date, or reservation ID and yields basic company information.
Arizona Corporation Commission
corporate π︎ π︎
The Arizona Corporation Commission has a company search available, with access to company information and filings. An account is needed to search.
California Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A simple search for companies yields basic information and recent company filings, to get archived annual returns you must fill out a form and mail it along with a check to the Secretary of State.
Colorado Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Colorado Secretary of State official website offers you the ability to search by business name, trademark, trade name, ID or document number. Additional search options are name availability search, advanced search, business survey information and trademark advanced search.
Connecticut Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A search for company name or number with basic company information is available.
District of Columbia Corporations Division
corporate π︎ π︎
DC offers an online search of all registered entities with expanded entity information including report history, trade name and governor information. Not complete for older entities. In order to get the reports that companies filed, you need to select "Certified Copy Request Form Web" on
Delaware Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Delaware allows for a company search with basic company information, filing history, and some company documents available. Limited visibility into company accounts, almost no information on LLCs.
Florida Department of State
corporate π︎
Division of Corporations is an official website of State of Florida. On this website you can download information about Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, and Trademarks. You can search by name, officer/registered agent, trademark name or trademark owner name, FEI/EIN, document number, zip code or street address.
Georgia Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Georgia allows for a company search with basic company information, filing history, and some company documents available.
Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
corporate π︎
This website maintains the business registry for all corporations, limited liability companies, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and limited liability limited partnerships conducting business activities in the State of Hawaii. Hawaii Business Express Registry has online search available for companies based on their business name.
Iowa Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Iowa Secretary of State's Office page allows you to enter in the first few letters or words of a business entity name, and retrieve a list of all business entities beginning with the same letters.
Idaho Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Idaho Online Services offers a variety of search, including business search. In order to view company information, you need entity name and you can select an agency for more precise search.
Chicago Stock Exchange
A search by symbol retrieves traded issues (Tape A, Tape B, Tape C), issue name, and listing market.
Indiana Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A search for company name or number with basic company information, including some filings and the registered agent is available.
Kansas Secretary of State
corporate π︎
You can search for business entity database, name availability, charitable organizations and trademark search. According to the official website, the state of Kansas does not register sole proprietorships, d/b/a, assumed name, trade name or fictitious name entities. Therefore, the Secretary of State cannot provide a database for searching these mentioned entity types. Information about business entity is updated every 10 minutes.
Kentucky Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A simple search for companies yields basic information, current officers, company filings, and activity history. Active companies have downloadable documents available.
Louisiana Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Louisiana Secretary of State has a company name search available for basic information, including company amendments, but no documents available for download.
Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth
corporate π︎
A search for company name or number is available and retrieves basic company information.
Maryland Dept. of Assessments and Taxation
corporate π︎
Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation offers a company search for information on status, reason for status, basic information, filing history, with available annual reports for download.
Maine Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Maine Department of the Secretary of State is a page where you can search information about companies by their name or number in order to get the basic information about the companies.
Missouri Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A simple search for companies yields basic information, company filings, and authorized shares. Active companies have downloadable documents available.
Minnesota Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Official website of Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State offers you a free of charge search for businesses, UCC/Tax Liens and CNS. The search is available by a company and debtor name or a file number.
Mississippi Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A search for company name or number with basic company information is available.
Montana Secretary of State
corporate π︎
This website offers you a company search based on company name or number with basic company information. The document will contain information such as general details, shares, official documents and history details.
North Carolina Secretary of State
corporate π︎
You can search company, company officials, registered agents, assumed business names.
North Dakota Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A simple search for companies yields basic information, company filings, and authorized shares. You can also search for trademarks.
Nebraska Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A simple search for companies yields basic information, director info, and downloadable copies of reports for US$0.45.
New Hampshire Secretary of State
corporate π︎
A company name search is available and yields basic company information.
New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services
corporate π︎
New Jersey allows for a search for company name or number to get basic company information, uploaded documents and status reports.
New Mexico Secretary of State
corporate π︎
New Mexico allows for a company search with basic company information, filing history, and some company documents available.
Nevada Secretary of State
corporate π︎
You can search by entity number, NV Business ID number, office name or registered agent name. Next to this you have an advanced search options by the type of the entity and the status.
New York Secretary of State
corporate π︎
New York Secretary of State allows a company name or number search and yields basic company information.
NYSE Euronext
NYSE Intercontinental Exchange gives an option to search list of bonds and detailed information about them and list of all non-U.S. issuers. List of U.S. issuers listed on NYSE normally available on NASDAQ.
Oklahoma Secretary of State
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
Oklahoma Secretary of State provides you with a preliminary search for a business with a particular name. It is free to see the basic information about the company, but in order to get a view the company profile it costs US$5.00 and you have to register.
Oregon Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Oregon Secretary of State allows a company name or number search and yields basic company information.
Pennsylvania Department of State
corporate π︎
To search for companies and official documents you need to know the name of the company or the company number. You have an option to specialize the search by searching only active corporations with a particular name.
Rhode Island Secretary of State
corporate π︎
By searching existing entity name or company number you can get the basic company information. In order to search you have to log in with Customer Identification Number (CID) and PIN, but if you don't have CID/PIN, you have to contact [email protected].
South Carolina Secretary of State
corporate π︎
South Carolina Secretary of Stateβs Corporation Search, Filing, and Document Retrieval system allows you to search organizations on file with the Secretary of State that are doing business in the state of South Carolina and purchase copies of corporate documents and certificates associated with each. You can search existing businesses, document request, agent search. Search is done by business name or number.
South Dakota Secretary of State
corporate π︎
South Dakota Secretary of State allows a company name or number search and yields basic company information, with company filings that are available for download and upon request, including annual reports.
Tennessee Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Business Information Search allows you to find and update business records. You can search by a company name, company number, or company status.
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
corporate π︎ π︎
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts offers you a taxable entity search by TAX ID, Entity name of a file number.
Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code
corporate π︎
The businesses registry offers information on registered Business Trusts, Collection Agencies, Corporations (For Profit and Non-Profit), Professional Corporations, Doing Business As - DBA, Limited Liability Companies - LLC, Limited Liability Partnerships - LLP, Limited Partnerships - LP, Limited Cooperative Associations - LCA. Information is available: by searching business name, company number or executive name.
Virginia State Corporation Commission
corporate π︎
Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission is a page which will allow you to locate business entities and view their details. If you are logged in you will be able to complete SCC eFile actions for a selected business entity. You can search by company name or number to get the basic company information.
Vermont Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Vermont Secretary of State allows a basic and advanced search for trade names, corporations, and foreign non-profits, which yields basic information, filing history, including annual reports. An IP address in the United States is required for access to the search.
Washington Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Washington Secretary of State allows for a company search with basic company information, filing history, and some company documents available.
Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions
corporate π︎
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions allows for a company search with basic company information, filing history, and some company documents available.
West Virginia Secretary of State
corporate π︎
Official website of West Virginia Secretary of State which available company search. In order to get the documents, you can search by organization name or agent/officer name. The search will give you also the result of fictitious business names in the results, if they have been registered with the State Tax Department.
Wyoming Secretary of State
corporate π︎
The Wyoming Secretary of State oversees the administration of numerous matters including the registration of business entities; campaign finance; securities; notaries public; registered agents; trade names; trademarks; document authentication; among others. You can search company, company officials, registered agents, assumed business names.
FAA Aircraft Registry
corporate π︎
The Federal Aviation Administration website includes access to the FAA Registry - Aircraft Inquiry, its registry of aircrafts in the U.S., where you can search by name, dealer, n-number, document index, serial number, engine reference, state and county etc.
Free Aircraft Registration and Land Records Database
This is a website consisted out of public records which refer to criminal, property, marriage and divorce, birth and death records and employment screening. It is unclear how often the database is being updated. You can search by entering first or last name, choosing a city or a state depending on which category of records you want to search.
corporate π︎
Manta is an online directory with information on small business in the U.S., including a description of the company, contact information, a link to the website, and contact details for the company representative.
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
corporate π︎ π³︎ π︎
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's official website with all SEC filings of companies available. You can search by company name, file number, state, country or standard industry classification.
NETR Online provides online access to environmental records, property records, public records and historical aerial images in the U.S. The Public Records Online Directory is particularly useful, as it provides a portal to official state websites, and those Tax Assessors' and Recorders' offices that have developed web sites for the retrieval of available public records over the internet.
Government Attic
Government Attic provides electronic copies of thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Fascinating historical documents, reports on items in the news, oddities and fun stuff and government bloopers, they're all here.
Political MoneyLine
government π³︎ π︎
A resource on money in U.S. politics. Track contributions from PACs, individual donors and politicians to elected officials, candidates and party committees; discover donors to Super PACs; retrieve information on lobbyists, indexed by client and issue, and more.
United States Department of Commerce United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Intellectual Property π︎
Search by advanced or patent number search to find information on existing patents, including inventors, dates of filings, and other information.
Broward County Land Registry (FL)
land π︎
Online Land Registry documents search, free of charge. In order to maximize search results, you should search on all spelling variations of proper names. You can search by party name, document type, case number, consideration range search, parcel ID.
New York City Property Records (ACRIS)
land π︎ π︎
A government repository of land title records and other property records in New York state, searchable by name, parcel information, address.
Florida District Courts of Appeal
legal π︎
The purpose of Floridaβs District Courts of Appeal is to provide the opportunity for review of decisions of lower tribunals by multi-judge panels. This website offers searches for court cases in Florida district courts with some original documents available for download. You can search by attorney name, case number, or party name.
Miami-Dade County Court
legal π︎
Through the Clerk of Courts' Online Services, you access to documents related to court cases in county court with some original documents available for download. Next to this you can search by: party name, local case number, state case number depending if it is basic or advanced records search which requires registration.
Port Examiner
This website offers you with the ability to examine US customs import records for millions of real ocean shipments. You can search for the names of overseas suppliers or US importers to see who is importing what β and from whom and can also look up import records for specific commodities or product.
Uruguay — 7
Agencia de Compras y Contrataciones del Estado
corporate π︎
The Uruguay State Agency for Purchases and Contracts website allows a search through a database of contracts and tenders issued to companies by the country's regulatory body. You can search by full or partial company name.
Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo
Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo is the main stock exchange of Uruguay. The website provides access to information and documents (such as financial statements) related to issuers of shares, financial trusts/trustees, stock brokers and issuers of negotiable obligations.
Directory of Industrial Companies
corporate π︎
The Directory of Industrial Companies (DEI) was created to maintain the identifying information of the industrial companies in Uruguay. The database includes basic information, like contact details. This directory does not include information on small and medium companies registered in Uruguay.
General Directorate of Registries
corporate, land π︎
The Uruguay General Directorate of Registries maintains the following public registries: Property Registry (real estate section and furniture section), National Registry of Personal Acts, Registry of Legal Entities, Register of Debtors and Guarantors. Online searching is not available, but information can be obtained at request.
Centro de Informacion Oficial
gazette π︎
The National Directorate of Impressions and Official Publications is the institution responsible for disseminating and publicizing legal regulations in Uruguay. On the site you can find the Electronic Legal Data Bank and the Official Gazette, which can be searched by date back to 1970.
Lista Personas PolΓticamente Expuestas
The Central Bank of Uruguay maintains and publishes a list of politically exposed persons in the country.
Power of Attorney Judicial Records Search
legal π︎
On the Uruguayan Power of Attorney website, you can enter a file's unique identifier to obtain information on the status and progress of judicial records.
Uzbekistan — 6
State Committee of Statistics of Republic Of Uzbekistan
corporate π︎
Uzbek company registry allows search by INN number
Uzbekistan Job Search Directory
While this is oriented towards job seekers, it can be a useful resource for finding information on companies and development projects.
Government Data Hub
government π︎
Some company and tender information are available, and a seemingly random collection of documents that the Uzbekistan government decides to upload.
Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Intellectual Property π︎
The Intellectual Property Agency "information retrieval website" allows a search of inventions, trademarks, industrial designs, and more.
National Database of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
legal π︎
Information and legal system that provides ease and convenience of searching for legal acts. You can find there all the governmental and presidentials decrees signed by Uzbek authorities.
Vanuatu — 4
Vanuatu Financial Services Commission - Register Search
corporate π︎ π︎
The business registry allows for free searches of company names that include shareholder, directors and address information and allows you to download (under the moniker of "request") extracts or certificates. A free account is required.
Republic of Vanuatu - Members of Parliament
government π︎
A list of members of the Parliament of Vanuatu by year of legislature since the country's independence.
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute - Vanuatu
A searchable database of court cases and decisions in the Vanuatu Supreme, Magistrates, Appeal, and Island Courts, as well as legislation, gazette, and court related materials.
Supreme Court of Vanuatu
A directory of Supreme Court rulings from 1982 until 2019 is available and sorted by year.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) — 6
Bicentennial Public Stock Exchange
corporate π︎ π︎
A public stock exchange with company statistics is available by search.
Caracas Stock Change
corporate π︎
Searchable data by company symbol which yields up-to-date information on stock price, and recent company announcements.
Directory of Exporters
corporate π︎
A searchable directory of exporters in Venezuela yields basic information on exporters including, name, address, contact info, website, and products exported.
National Procurement Service
corporate π︎
A search by company name/RIF retrieves information on government procurements.
Federal Chamber of Commerce
government π︎
Government and daily notices/updates on commerce, policy, and trade are posted daily under "Resumen de Noticias."
Autonomous Service of Intellectual Property (SAPI) Ministry of Popular Power for Trade
Intellectual Property π︎ π︎
Requests for information on patents, logos, and intellectual property rights can be done here, but a registration with a national ID is required. Results are mailed as PDF files.
Vietnam — 5
Business Registration Agency
corporate π︎
A government business registration agency where you can search for registered companies and owners by name.
Ho Chi Minh White Pages
A yellow pages-type lookup of all Ho Chi Minh City residential addresses by names of people registered at those addresses.
Department of Taxation Taxpayer Search
government π︎
A government managed website which allows a name search of taxpayers or tax paying entities, and will return MST number, tax authority, CMT number, as well as contact information and total number of employees (if it's a company).
Ministry of Planning and Investment
government π︎
A searchable directory of all violations/violators of procurement regulations, and decisions on cases. You can search by name of sanctioning decision, name of organization/individual, and date issued.
National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment
Intellectual Property π︎
A government directory of intellectual property owners is searchable by name of applicant and retrieves information on legal status, name of invention, protections, and a description. Fuzzy searches are strongly recommended when using this source.
Virgin Islands (British) — 2
Financial Services Commission
corporate π︎ π³︎
By emailing the registry, you receive a form for a US$30 company search payable by credit card, which you mail to them. In 1-2 days, the registry sends an overview with information about the registered agent, incorporation date and address. On some occasions the registry provides information about directors, but usually company filings are sealed.
Virgin Islands Official Gazette
gazette π︎ π³︎ π︎
A free account is required to access Gazette notices which are available for 2 months after their publication. After they are archived, you can only access them with a yearly subscription of USD 450. The BVI gazette publishes government, statutory, liquidation, and other notices, but not director changes, incorporations, or company announcements.
Virgin Islands (U.S.) — 1
Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs
corporate π︎
The government website allows a company name search which yields basic company information.
western-asia — 1
Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Intellectual Property π︎
A database of patent gazettes and scientific patents registered in the Arab Gulf States. The patent files list the owners of the patent, which are usually companies, but you cannot search the data by inventor or owner. There is an option to search by name of the invention, however.
Yemen — 1
Ministry of Industry and Trade, General Department for Intellectual Property Protection
Intellectual Property π︎
A very basic search is available, varied information returned.
Zambia — 3
Patents and Companies Registration Agency
corporate π︎ π︎
Registration required for any company searches.
Zambia Gazette
The Zambia Legal Information Institute provides a database of full versions of the The Zambia Gazette from 2016-2019. The Gazettes are available only in PDF, but a table of contents is provided in each record.
The Zambia Legal Information Institute websites publishes decisions by the Supreme Court, High Court, Industrial Court, and Town and Country Planning Tribunal, as well as Laws of Zambia, Numbered Acts, Billls of Parliament, Staturoy Instrumennts and Law Development Commission Reports.
Zimbabwe — 2
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, or ZSE, is the official stock exchange of Zimbabwe. The website includes a database of listed companies with notices and financials availablle for download.
The Zimbabwe Legal Information Institute provides free, full and anonymous access to Zimbabwe Case-law, Legislation and Legal Journals. The website hosts the most current and complete digital collection of Zimbabwe caselaw and case summaries from the superior courts, a selection of Zimbabwean legislation as enacted, and law review journals.